Calculation method of separated water accumulation in the process of separated water inrush and its forecast:Taking the water inrush at 1304 working face of Zhaoxian Coal Mine in Shaanxi Province as an example
XU Jinpeng,ZHOU Yu,PU Zaohong,PANG Siyuan
中国矿业大学 资源与地球科学学院陕西金源招贤矿业有限公司
离层水害是近年来中国西部矿井常见且危害较大的水害形式。 离层突水的过程是含水层 中水首先进入离层空间,然后由于离层空间下部隔水层破裂后进入矿井。 因此,计算离层积水量对 预测离层突水水量和突水可能性有重要意义。 陕西金源招贤煤矿 1304 工作面发生了 3 次离层突 水,笔者分析总结了离层突水过程中的水位、水量变化规律,建立了离层积水的水文地质模型及水 量预测方法并进行了计算,然后对离层突水量进行水量分割,并将分割水量与估算水量进行了对 比,研究了积水量与离层空间特别是与离层高度之间的关系,分析了积水量和离层高度对突水的预 测预报作用。 通过以上工作,得出:1 地下水水位异常下降可以作为离层突水的预警依据。 如招 贤 1304 工作面第 1 次离层突水前,水文长观孔的水位提前 6 d 开始下降,水位累计下降 23.39 m, 平均下降速度 4.253 m / d;2 以半无限含水层汇点模型为基础得到的离层积水量估算方法是可靠 的,招贤煤矿 3 次突水案件中,地下水动力学的估算方法与水量分割法得到的离层积水量的误差为 0.20% ~ 8.35%;3 根据地下水水位下降可以进行离层空间和离层高度的临界值计算,招贤矿 3 次 出水时的离层高度为 0.75,1.08,0.87 m,利用此临界值可以进一步预测离层突水可能性。 论文提 出的离层高度临界值,需要在今后的工作中进行进一步从力学理论方面开展研究和在大量突水案 例中总结经验。
Coal mine water hazard is one of the five major natural disasters in mines. Damage by water in separated stratum has been a frequent and harmful form of water damage in recent years. During the process of water inrush from separated stratum,the water of aquifer enters the separation space first,and then enters the mine due to the rupture of the waterproof layers below the separation space. Therefore,the calculation of the amount of stratifugic water is of great significance to the prediction of the amount of water inrush from separated stratum and the possibility of water inrush. Three water inrushes from separated stratum occurred in the 1304 working face of Jinyuan Zhaoxian Coal Mine,Shaanxi Province. This paper analyzes and summarizes the variation law of water level and water volume in the process of water inrush from separated stratum,establishes the hydrogeological model of stratifugic water,the prediction method of water volume and calculates it. Then it divides the amount of water inrush from separated stratum,compares the divided water volume with the estimated water volume,studies the relationship between the amount of water accumulated and the separation space,especially the separation height,and validates the forecasting effect of the amount of water accumulated and separation height on water inrush.Through the above work,it is concluded that:① The abnormal drop of groundwater level can be used as a warning basis for the water inrush from separated stratum. For example,before the first water inrush from separated stratum at the 1304 working face of Zhaoxian Coal Mine,the water level of long hydrological observation hole began to decline six days in advance,with a cumulative drop of 23.39 m and an average decline rate of 4.253 m/d. ② Based on the semi infinite confluent model of an aquifer,the estimation method of the amount of stratifugic water is reliable. In the three cases of water inrush in the Zhaoxian Coal Mine,the error between the estimation method of groundwater dynamics and the method of segmenting the water quantity is 0.20%-8.35%. ③ According to the drop of groundwater level,the critical values of separation space and separation height can be calculated. The separation heights of the three water inrushes in the Zhaoxian Mine are 0.75,1.08 and 0.87 m,and the critical value can be used to further predict the possibility of water inrush from separated stratum.The critical value of separation height proposed in this paper needs to be further studied based on mechanical theory and summed up from a large number of water inrush cases in the future.
early warning of water hazard; separated water damage; water accumulation; hydrogeological model; critical value of separation height
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会