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  • Title

    Study on flotation behavior of high carbon coal gasification fine slag

  • 作者


  • Author

    YU Wei,WANG Xuebin,LIU Lijun,BAI Yonghui,SHI Zhaochen,WANG Lina,QU Jinzhou

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 化学与化工学院西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院宁夏大学 省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;School of Energy and Power Engi⁃ neering,Xi’an Jiaotong University;State Key Laboratory of High⁃efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green Chemical Engineering,Ningxia University
  • 摘要

    气化细渣是煤气化过程中产生的一种含碳量较高的固体废弃物目前主要通过填埋方式处 理不仅占用大量土地污染土壤和水体同时造成能源浪费气化细渣中的残碳与灰组分分离是实 现其高值化减量化无害化利用的关键。 以榆林地区高含碳煤气化细渣为研究对象在分析样品 基本特性基础上采用浮选方法进行碳灰分离试验研究当柴油用量 12 kg / t仲辛醇用量 12 kg / t 精矿产品灰分为 35.74%尾矿产品灰分为 57.07%可燃体回收率 43.28%药剂耗量大分选指 标较差。 XPS 分析表明浮选入料中氧元素含量较高疏水基团含量低亲水基团含量高;诱导时间 随粒度级的减小而不断缩短浮选过程中粗颗粒物料不易与气泡黏附且紊流条件下黏附后颗粒 又易脱附而成为尾矿产品细颗粒物料易与气泡黏附且黏附过程中易“ 抱团” 而夹杂大量细小灰 颗粒导致煤气化细渣碳灰组分浮选分离效果较差。 低场核磁共振分析表明极性药剂与非极性药 剂均可被吸附到煤气化细渣孔隙中微孔过渡孔中孔大孔中均存在油酸钠和正十六烷导致浮 选药剂消耗量大

  • Abstract

    Gasification fine slag is a kind of solid waste with high carbon content produced in the process of coal gasifi⁃ cation.At present,it is mainly treated by landfill,which not only occupies a lot of land,pollutes soil and water,but al⁃ so causes energy waste.The separation of residual carbon and ash in gasification fine slag is the key to realize its high value,reduction and harmless utilization.Taking Yulin high carbon coal gasification fine slag as the research object, based on the analysis of the basic characteristics,the flotation method was used to carry out the carbon and ash separa⁃ tion test.When the diesel oil dosage was 12 kg / t and the secondary octanol dosage was 12 kg / t,the ash content of con⁃ centrate product was 35. 74%, the ash content of tailings product was 57. 07%, the combustible recovery was 43.28%,that the reagent consumption was large,with the poor separation index.The XPS analysis shows that the con⁃ tent of oxygen in flotation feed is high,the content of hydrophobic group is low,and the content of hydrophilic group is high.The induction time decreases with the decrease of particle size.In the flotation process,the coarse particles are not easy to adhere to the bubbles,and easy to drop out and become tailings products after adhesion under turbulent flow condition.The fine particles are easy to adhere to the bubbles,and a large number of fine ash particles are easily “agglomerated” in the adhesion process,resulting in a poor flotation separation effect of carbon and ash components in the coal gasification fine slag.Low field nuclear magnetic resonance analysis shows that both polar and nonpolar rea⁃ gents are easy to be adsorbed into the pores of coal gasification fine slag.There are sodium oleate and n⁃hexadecane in micropores,transition pores,mesopores and macropores,resulting in a large consumption of flotation reagents.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal gasification fine slag;flotation;Contact angle;induction time;low field nuclear magnetic resonance

  • 引用格式
    于伟,王学斌,刘莉君,等. 高含碳煤气化细渣浮选行为研究[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(S1):265-275.
  • Citation
    YU Wei,WANG Xuebin,LIU Lijun,et al. Study on flotation behavior of high carbon coal gasification fine slag [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(S1):265-275.
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