Leaching characteristics and potential ecological risks of typical heavy metals in coal gangue
ZHANG Xiao,LI Fang,ZHAO Qingling,LI Xinju
山东农业大学 资源与环境学院山东农业大学 经济与管理学院山东省鲁南地质工程勘察院(山东省地勘局第二地质大队)自然资源部采煤沉陷区综合治理与生态修复工程技术创新中心
煤矸石中的重金属在浸泡、淋滤等条件下会不同程度地释放,威胁生态环境安全。 以济宁 市兴隆庄煤矿煤矸石为研究对象,通过扫描电镜能谱分析技术和 X 射线荧光光谱分析技术对煤矸 石进行了表征分析,以了解煤矸石的微观形貌与化学组分。 同时,为进一步了解在不同 pH 值和不 同矸石粒径条件下,煤矸石中重金属的释放规律及其释放后对水环境和农作物小麦的生态影响,通 过室内静态浸泡实验和种子发芽实验,探究了不同初始 pH 值的浸提液(pH=4.9,5.6,7)和不同煤 矸石粒径(<0.15,0.15~2,2~5,5~10 mm)条件下煤矸石中典型重金属汞(Hg)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、 砷(As)的浸出特征,并探讨了煤矸石浸出液对水环境以及小麦种子发芽和幼苗早期生长的影响。 结果表明:1 煤矸石呈不规则的片状结构且主要成分为 Si,Al,O,化合物主要为 SiO2 和 Al2 O3 。 2 煤矸石浸出液呈碱性,煤矸石中 Hg,Pb,Cd 的浸出含量与浸提液的初始 pH 值呈反比,As 的浸出规 律与之相反;煤矸石粒径越小,4 种典型重金属的浸出含量均呈增大的趋势。 3 对水环境而言,煤 矸石中 Hg 对水环境的污染风险最高,As 和 Pb 次之,Cd 的污染风险较低。 4 对农作物小麦而言, 煤矸石浸出液具有生态毒性,显著抑制了小麦种子发芽和根系生长,当浸提液初始 pH 值为 5.6、矸 石粒径最大(5~10 mm)时抑制作用最弱。 研究结果可为矿区煤矸石的安全堆放和利用提供参考。
Heavy metals in coal gangue can be released in varying degrees in the conditions of soaking,leaching,etc. This behavior poses a threat to the safety of ecological environment. In this study,the coal gangue samples from Xin⁃ glongzhuang Coal Mine in Jining City were collected. The morphology and chemical composition of coal gangue were characterized by scanning electron microscopy energy spectrum analysis technology and X-ray fluorescence spec⁃ trum analysis technology. In order to further understand the release behaviors of heavy metals from coal gangue,the indoor static soaking experiment was conducted to explore the leaching characteristics of typical heavy metals (i.e. Hg, Pb,Cd and As) from coal gangue with extraction solutions in different pH values (i.e. 4.9,5.6 and 7) and differ⁃ ent gangue particle size (i.e. <0.15 mm,0.15-2 mm,2-5 mm and 5-10 mm). The effects of coal gangue leachate on the germination of wheat seeds and early growth of seedlings were studied through seed germination experiment to further verify its threat to the ecological environment. The results show that 1 The coal gangue has an irregular flaky structure and the main components are Si,Al and O,and the main compounds are SiO2 and Al2 O3 . 2 The coal gangue leachate is alkaline. The leaching concent of Hg,Pb and Cd is inversely proportional to the initial pH value of the ex⁃ traction solutions,while the leaching rule of As is opposite. The smaller the particle size of coal gangue is,the high⁃ er the leaching concent of four typical heavy metals is. 3 For water environment,the Hg in coal gangue has the high⁃ est pollution risk to water environment,followed by As and Pb,and the pollution risk of Cd is low. 4 For crop wheat,the coal gangue leachate has ecological toxicity,which significantly inhibits wheat seed germination and root growth. When the initial pH value of the extraction solution is 5. 6 and the coal gangue particle size is the largest (5-10 mm),the inhibition effect is the weakest. These findings could provide references for the safe stacking and utilization of coal gangue in the coal mining areas.
coal gangue;heavy metals;ecological risks;water environment;wheat
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会