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  • Title

    Development law of water⁃conducting fracture zone in overlying rock with layered mining under strong water⁃bearing body in Barapukuria coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    YU Xueyi,MU Chi,LI Jianfeng

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 能源学院西部矿井开采及灾害防治教育部重点实验室徐州矿务集团有限公司

  • Organization
    School of Energy Engineering,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Western Mine and Hazard Preven⁃
    tion,Ministry of Education;Xuzhou Coal Mining Group
  • 摘要

    孟巴矿地质条件特殊复杂多种灾害交织特别是矿井水害对安全生产构成了严重威胁。 导水裂隙带高度探测与保水开采密切相关控制导水裂隙带发育高度是为了保证 LDT 隔水层稳定 性避免在承压水体的作用下使隔水层被击穿。 结合孟巴矿特殊地质条件给出矿井地质开采条件 具有开采煤层厚开采煤层顶板砂岩层厚硬和上覆松散含水层 UDT 厚的三厚二硬一强特征覆 岩为隔水———结构关键层结构类型基岩中缺少有效的隔水层的结构特征提出基岩含水层随分层 开采递进疏放保证 LDT 隔水层的有效隔水性能阻滞 UDT 水体渗漏到井下形成强含水体下特厚 煤层分层开采的上保下疏安全开采模式。 借助 360°旋转井下电视全孔壁成像系统分析钻孔冲 洗液漏失量和水位变化情况应用物理模拟方法和数值计算模拟方法模拟分析了不同分层不同 采高采用不同采煤方法覆岩导水裂隙带发育规律和覆岩移动破坏规律完成了钻孔探测工作和 数据分析并与物理相似模拟和数值模拟结果进行对比证实了实验模拟与探测数据结果基本一 致。 研究表明当累计开采高度为 8.5 m 分层开采导水裂隙带高度呈快速增长模式;当累计开 采高度介于 13 ~ 15 m 导水裂隙带发育高度趋于平缓且不再增长;1分层开采对导水裂隙带高 度的增长率贡献大主要是 1分层开采使覆岩裂缝增多裂缝增多表现为岩性变软;1分层开 采导水裂隙带高度与开采厚度基本呈线性增长分层开采导水裂隙带高度增幅为 分层的 109%随分层厚度增加导水裂隙带高度有增大趋势导水裂隙带高度整体呈马鞍形分布。 工作面 分层协调开采有效降低了覆岩导水裂隙带发育高度保护了 UDT 含水层不发生泄露形成了孟巴 矿强含水体下厚煤层安全开采模式

  • Abstract

    The geological conditions of the Barapukuria coal mine are particularly complex,multiple hazards are inter⁃ twined,especially the mine water hazards pose a serious threat to safe production. The detection of the height of water⁃conducting fissure zone is closely related to the water⁃retaining mining. Controlling the development height of the water⁃conducting fracture zone is to ensure the stability of the LDT water barrier and avoid the water barrier from being broken down under the action of the confined water body. Combining with the special geological conditions of Barapukuria coal mine,the geological mining conditions of the mine show the characteristics of “three thick,two hard and one strong”,such as the thickness of the mining coal seam,the thickness of the sandstone layer on the roof of the mining coal seam,and the thickness of the overlying loose aquifer UDT. The overburden is water⁃proof⁃key layer structure type. The bedrock lacks the structural characteristics of an effective water barrier. It is proposed that the bed⁃ rock aquifer is progressively diverted with layered mining to ensure the effective water barrier performance of the LDT water barrier and block the UDT water body leakage into the mine,forming a safe mining mode of “upper protection and lower dredging” for slicing and mining of extra⁃thick coal seams under strong water⁃bearing bodies. With the help of 360° rotating downhole TV full⁃hole wall imaging system,the leakage of drilling fluid and the change of water level are analyzed. The physical simulation methods and numerical calculation simulation methods are applied to compre⁃ hensively simulate and analyze the height development law of the water⁃conducting fissure zone in the overburden and the movement and failure law of the overlying strata with different layers, different mining heights and different coal mining methods. The drilling detection work and data analysis,and the comparison of the results of phys⁃ ical similarity simulation and numerical simulation are completed. It is confirmed that the experimental simulation re⁃ sults are basically consistent with the detection data. Research shows that when the cumulative mining height is 8.5 m,the height of the water⁃conducting fracture zone in the layered mining shows a rapid growth pattern. When the cumulative mining height is 13 m to 15 m, the development height of the water⁃conducting fracture zone tends to be flat and no longer increases. The first and second⁃slice mining contributes a lot to the growth rate of the height of the water⁃conducting fissure zone. The main reason is that the first⁃ and second⁃slice mining increases the cracks in the overlying rock,and the increase of the cracks is manifested by the softening of the lithology. The height of the fracture zone and the mining thickness basically increase linearly. The height of the water⁃conducting fracture zone of the two⁃slice mining increases by about 109% of that of the first layer. With the increase of the lay⁃ er thickness,the increase of the height of the water⁃conducting fracture zone tends to increase. The belt height is dis⁃ tributed in a saddle shape as a whole. The layered and coordinated mining of the working face effectively reduces the development height of the overburden water⁃conducting fissure zone,protects the UDT aquifer from leaking, and forms a safe mining mode for the thick coal seams under strong water⁃bearing bodies in Barapukuria coal mine.

  • 关键词

    三厚二硬一强分层开采UDT 含水层LDT 隔水层导水裂隙带

  • KeyWords

    three thick two hard and one strong; layered mining; Upper DupiTila; Lower DupiTila; water⁃ conducting zone

  • 引用格式
    余学义,穆驰,李剑锋. 孟巴矿强含水体下分层开采覆岩导水裂隙带发育规律[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(S1):29-38.
  • Citation
    YU Xueyi,MU Chi,LI Jianfeng. Development law of water⁃conducting fracture zone in overlying rock with layered mining under strong water⁃bearing body in Barapukuria coal mine[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,
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