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100 kWth 加压循环流化床富氧燃烧试验研究
  • Title

    Experimental research on oxygenenriched combustion at 100 kWth pressurized circulating fluidized bed

  • 作者

    昝海峰陈晓平刘道银马吉亮钟文琪梁财 耿鹏飞徐劲松刘威潘苏阳

  • Author

    ZAN Haifeng, CHEN Xiaoping,LIU Daoyin, MA Jiliang, ZHONG Wenqi, LIANG Cai, GENG Pengfei, XU Jinsong, LIU Wei, PAN Suyang

  • 单位

    东南大学 能源与环境学院东南大学 能源热转化及其过程测控教育部重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Energy Environment,Southeast University;Key Laboratory of Energy Thermal Conversion and Control of Ministry of Education,Southeast University
  • 摘要

    加压循环流化床富氧燃烧技术(PCFB-OFC)是一种新型清洁高效的燃烧技术其高碳捕获 率和低能耗的特点受到广泛关注具有很好的发展潜力和工业应用前景。 受限于燃烧压力升高后 带来的问题现有关于加压循环流化床富氧燃烧的研究多着重于理论建模或基于小型试验台的试 验及机理研究。 东南大学自主研发了热输入功率为 100 kW 的加压循环流化床富氧燃烧热态试验 装置实现了加压循环流化床富氧燃烧技术的规模化示范并获得了热态试验数据和设计及运行经 验。 试验结果表明该装置能够实现空气燃烧和富氧燃烧模式的平稳切换在 0.6 MPa 压力下循环 流化床能够稳定运行炉内温度变化平稳并且加压富氧燃烧模式下干烟气中 CO体积分数能够稳 定维持在 90%以上达到预期设计目标。 燃烧压力的提升加快了化学反应速率并且延长了气体停 留时间再结合 级配风模式使燃料氮更多的转化为氮气最终表现出压力升高显著降低尾气中 NO 和 N的排放。 此外压力升高提升了燃烧效率烟气中 CO 和 CH的体积分数显著降低并分 别在 0.4 MPa 和 0.2 MPa 时达到较低体积分数

  • Abstract

    The pressurized circulating fluidized bed oxygenenriched combustion technology (PCFBOFC) is a new type of clean and efficient combustion technology. Its high carbon capture rate and low energy consumption make it attract wide attention and have a good development potential and industrial application prospects. However, due to problems caused by the increase in combustion pressure, the existing research on pressurized circulating fluidized bed oxygenenriched combustion focuses more on theoretical modeling, or experiments and mechanisms based on small experimental benches. Southeast University has developed a hotstate experimental device for pressurized circulating fluidized bed oxyfuel combustion with a heat input power of 100 kW, realized the largescale demonstration of pressurized circulating fluidized bed oxyfuel combustion, and obtained some thermal experimental data and design and operation experience. The experimental results show that the device can realize the smooth switching of the two combustion modes, the PCFB can operate stably at a pressure of 0.6 MPa, the temperature in the furnace changes smoothly, and dry flue gas CO2 concentration stabilizes above 90% in the POFC mode, achieving the expected design goal.The increase in combustion pressure accelerates the chemical reaction rate and prolongs the gas residence time, causes more fuelN to be converted into nitrogen combined with the twostage air distribution mode, and finally shows that the increase in pressure significantly reduces the emission concentration of NO and N2O in the exhaust gas.In addition, the increase in pressure improves the combustion efficiency, significantly reduces the concentration of CO and CH4 in the flue gas, and reaches lower concentrations at 0.4 MPa and 0.2 MPa, respectively.

  • 关键词

    加压循环流化床富氧燃烧NOx 排放CO 排放二氧化碳捕集

  • KeyWords

    pressurized circulating fluidized bed;oxyfuel combustion;NOx emission; COemission;CO2 capture

  • 引用格式
    昝海峰,陈晓平,刘道银,等. 100 kWth加压循环流化床富氧燃烧试验研究[J]. 煤炭学报,2022,47(10):3397-3407.
    Experimental research on oxygenenriched combustion at 100 kWth pressurized circulating fluidized bed
    [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(10):3822-3828.

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