Basic characteristics of fast-reaction thermogravimetric analysis for kinetic studies of Ca(OH)2/CaO fluidized thermochemical heat storage
冯玉鹏邓博宇张双铭 丁一杨欣华张缦杨海瑞
FENG Yupeng,DENG Boyu,ZHANG Shuangming,DING Yi,YANG Xinhua,ZHANG Man,YANG Hairui
Thermal energy storage is necessary for improving energy utilization efficiency. Using Ca(OH)2/CaO in fluidized bed reactors can realize rapid storage and release large-scale thermal energy, and hence, research on the reaction kinetics of Ca(OH)2/CaO under fluidization is important. However, the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) technique cannot provide the constant temperature reaction conditions required for Ca(OH)2, and its mass transfer inhibition phenomenon is significant. Hence, a fast-reaction TGA technique was proposed that can provide reaction conditions closer to those of fluidization for Ca(OH)2/CaO, when compared with the conventional TGA technique. The fast-reaction TGA technique could provide a higher heating rate and better mass transfer conditions for heat storage material by rapidly moving the high-temperature reactor and introducing a high-speed purge gas. The influence of the reactor temperature, moving speed and airflow on the fast-reaction TGA performance was clarified by decoupling experiment. When tested with Ca(OH)2, the deviation in the material conversion obtained with the fast-reaction TGA technique from that obtained with the conventional TGA technique is only 0.81%, which demonstrates the accuracy of the fast-reaction TGA.
thermochemical heat storage;fluidization;fast-reaction thermogravimetric analysis;calcium hydroxide;calcium oxide
0 引言
1 材料与方法
1.1 快速反应TGA
1.2 Ca(OH)2样品的性质
2 结果和讨论
2.1 气流对不锈钢盘管换热的影响
2.2 在快速反应TGA技术中创造高加热速率
2.3 称重模块在环境温度下工作时的稳定性
2.4 称量模块在高温下工作的稳定性
2.5 Ca(OH)2分解反应的快速反应TGA的精密度和准确度
3 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会