• 全部
  • Title

    Present situation and prospect of anaerobic digestion to transformorganic wastes to bio-natural gas

  • 作者


  • Author

    WEN Hanquan;YU Hanqing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China
  • 摘要
    自沼气发现以来,有机物厌氧消化生产生物天然气由于其污染治理和能源回收的功能开拓了一个经久不衰的领域。 有机废弃物厌氧消化过程的实现和发展依赖于工艺技术和基础理论的进步。 本文从技术形式和理论出发,介绍有机废弃物厌氧消化生产生物天然气技术的现状并进行展望。 首先介绍了当前主流厌氧消化技术,总结其设计和构型,阐述内在改进和变革思维:泥水分离的实现区分了第一代和第二代厌氧消化技术,而颗粒污泥的出现则发展了第三代厌氧消化技术。 其次总结了现代厌氧消化技术理论和其对厌氧消化技术的推动作用,介绍一些加强厌氧消化策略:厌氧消化理论细化和种间电子传递的发现直接改变厌氧消化设计理念和运行形式。随后描述一些对厌氧消化具有强烈推动作用的新技术和新理念:机器学习有助于了解厌氧消化这一复杂黑箱,而合成生物学更将从概念上重新定义厌氧消化。 最后对未来厌氧消化技术进行了展望:厌氧消化的发展将趋向于高效化、智能化、定制化,未来更将成为一个绿色平台,实现能源和物质的社会循环。
  • Abstract
    Anaerobic digestion,which could transform organic wastes to biological natural gas,emergedfrom the discovery of biogas. It is drawing mounting attention due to its pollution treatment and energyrecovery. The realization and advancement of anaerobic digestion depends on the development of tech⁃nology and basic theory. Therefore, this paper will describe current mainstream anaerobic digestiontechnologies through configurations and theories. Firstly, we summarize the current mainstreamanaerobic digestion technologies,introduce their design and configuration,and discuss the internal im⁃provement and transformation. The sludge-water separation distinguishes the first and second anaerobicdigestion technologies while granular sludge develops the third anaerobic digestion technology.Secondly,we describe the anaerobic digestion theory,and explain its role in anaerobic digestion revolu⁃tion and also provide some improvement strategies. The design and operation of anaerobic digestiontechnology are greatly improved by the understanding of anaerobic digestion theory and discovery of in⁃terspecific electron transfer. Then,we introduce some emerging technologies and theories which willstrongly promote anaerobic digestion. Machine learning will help unravel the complex black box of anae⁃robic digestion while synthetic biology will redefine anaerobic digestion. Finally,we discuss the futureanaerobic digestion technology. The anaerobic digestion will be more efficient, intelligent andcustomized. In the future,it will become a green platform to complete the social cycle of energy andsubstance.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Anaerobic digestion; Biological natural gas; Reactor configuration; Digestion theory;Granular sludge; Electron transfer

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    温汉泉, 俞汉青. 有机废弃物厌氧消化生产生物天然气技术的现状和展望[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(1): 1-12.
  • Citation
    WEN Hanquan,YU Hanqing. Present situation and prospect of anaerobic digestion to transform organic wastes tobio-natural gas[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 1-12.
  • 相关专题

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