• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis on the development of high energy efficiency and low carbonin iron and steel enterprises

  • 作者


  • Author

    XING Yi;GENG Mengda;YE Kaihang;SU Fuyong;LI Cunwang;XIA Dehong;YUE Tao;SU Wei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • 摘要
    钢铁企业的低碳转型,对我国钢铁企业高能效低碳发展、实现我国“双碳”目标起着至关重要的作用。 本文分析了我国钢铁企业在能源方面的利用现状和余热资源的主要分布情况以及余热资源的主要利用方式。 在能源消耗方面,虽然中国重点钢铁企业吨钢综合能耗在逐年下降,但是由于大部分钢铁企业节能技术较为传统,导致近年来吨钢能耗下降幅度逐渐减小,已经呈现出几乎不变的趋势,在节能技术方面进行创新改革已势在必行。 同时,各个钢铁企业技术发展水平不一,导致吨钢能耗最小值与最大值之间相差巨大。 在钢铁企业余热资源利用方面,情况依旧不容乐观,虽然炼钢、热轧工序中余热资源利用程度在 40% ~ 50%之间,但是焦化、烧结、炼铁工序中余热资源利用程度不足 20%,尤其在炼铁工序中,余热资源利用程度仅仅达到 10%左右。 因此,进行余热回收技术的创新,对钢铁企业降低能耗,提高余热资源利用程度至关重要。 最后,本文讨论了新能源(例如生物质能、绿电等) 对传统能源的替代作用,使用新能源有助于降低钢铁企业的能耗,从而早日达成“双碳”目标。
  • Abstract
    Low-carbon transition of iron and steel enterprises plays an important role in the efficient andlow-carbon development of Chinese iron and steel enterprises and the realization of " double carbon"goal. This paper presents the present situation of energy utilization in Chinese iron and steelenterprises, the main distribution and main utilization of waste heat resources. In terms of energy con⁃sumption, the comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel in China's key iron and steel enterpri⁃ses has been declining year by year, due to the traditional energy-saving technology in most iron andsteel enterprises. However, the decrease rate of energy consumption per ton of steel has gradually de⁃creased in recent years, which has shown an almost constant trend. It is imperative to carry out innova⁃tion and reform in energy-saving technology. At the same time, the technical development level of eachsteel enterprise is different, resulting in a huge difference between the minimum and maximum energyconsumption per ton of steel. Moreover, the situation is still not optimistic in the utilization of wasteheat resources in iron and steel enterprises. Although the utilization degree of waste heat resources insteel making and hot rolling processes is between 40% and 50%, the utilization degree of waste heat re⁃sources in coking, sintering and iron making processes is less than 20%. In the iron making process,the utilization degree of waste heat resources only reaches about 10%. Therefore, the innovation ofwaste heat recovery technology is very important for iron and steel enterprises to reduce energy con⁃sumption and improve the utilization of waste heat resources. Finally, this paper discusses the alterna⁃tive role of new energy, such as biomass energy, green electricity, etc. to traditional energy. The use ofnew energy can help reduce the energy consumption of iron and steel enterprises, so as to achieve the" double carbon" goal as soon as possible.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Energy efficiency; Low carbon; Energy conservation; Waste heat utilization; Iron andsteel enterprises

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    邢奕, 耿孟达, 叶凯航, 等. 钢铁企业高能效低碳发展分析[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(1): 102-114.
  • Citation
    XING Yi, GENG Mengda, YE Kaihang, et al. Analysis on the development of high energy efficiency and low car⁃bon in iron and steel enterprises[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 102-114.
  • 相关专题

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