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  • Title

    Disaster evolution mechanism of surrounding rock structure of deep roadway based on multi⁃source information representation

  • 作者

    靖洪文 赵振龙 吴疆宇

  • Author

    JING Hongwen,ZHAO Zhenlong,WU Jiangyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    tate Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology;School of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • 摘要

    深部煤炭资源开采的强度和深度不断增加深部巷道围岩的结构性失稳灾变问题日趋严 峻复杂严重制约深部煤炭安全高效开采。 鉴于深部巷道围岩结构变形失稳的渐进演化过程中释 放多物理场响应信息采用自主研制的深部地下工程结构变形失稳全过程模拟试验系统配合声发 射并行电法电磁辐射等监测系统研究基于多源信息表征的深部巷道围岩结构灾变演化机理。 开展了完整层状和块状 种结构围岩的破坏性物理模型试验利用声磁多源信息演化规律对 不同结构围岩的荷载-位移全过程进行了定量化评价和多源信息表征从荷载-位移全程曲线多 源信息响应规律围岩峰后损伤特性 个角度综合揭示了不同结构围岩的灾变演化及变形失稳机 制。 研究结果表明:随着围岩完整性的降低围岩由塑性破坏向脆性破坏转变其变形破坏过程 的波动性和渐进式破坏特征更加显著层状和块状结构围岩的物理模型峰值承载能力相比于完整 结构分别降低 4.73%和 20.73%;与完整结构围岩的声磁多源信息的连续性响应过程不同, 层状和块状结构围岩呈现出阶段式响应规律且特征值更突出尤其块状结构围岩的阶段跳跃性现 象显著;完整层状和块状结构围岩的裂隙发育区面积依次为 448.84651.76 和 824.49 cm即 随着围岩结构完整性的降低裂隙发育区面积不断增大在本研究中增大范围在 1.5 ~ 1.9 ;围 岩的破坏失稳由完整结构的强度控制型向块状结构的结构控制型转变而层状结构表现出强度结构联合控制特征围岩破坏失稳的结构效应越来越显著

  • Abstract

    As the intensity and depth of deep coal mining continue to increase,the disaster caused by the structural in⁃ stability of deep roadway surrounding rock becomes increasingly severe and complex,which seriously restricts the safe and efficient mining of deep coal resources. To investigate the multiple physical response information of deep roadway surrounding rock in the gradual evolution of deformation and instability, a self⁃developed simulation system for the complete process of deformation and instability of deep underground engineering structure was used,with the acoustic emission,parallel electrical method,electromagnetic radiation monitoring system,to carry out the destructive physical model tests of intact,layered and massive surrounding rock structures. The whole process of load⁃displacement of surrounding rock with different structures was quantitatively analyzed and characterized based on the evolution law of acoustic emission,apparent resistivity and electromagnetic radiation multi⁃source information. The disaster evolution and instability mechanisms of surrounding rocks with different structures were comprehensively revealed from the per⁃ spectives of load⁃displacement curve,multi⁃source information response law and post⁃peak damage characteristics of surrounding rocks. The results show that 1 With the decrease of rock structural integrity,the roadway surrounding rock changes from plastic failure to brittle failure,and its deformation and failure process is characterized by volatility and progressive failure. Compared with the intact structure,the equivalent peak bearing capacities of layered and mas⁃ sive surrounding rocks decrease by 4. 73% and 20. 73%, respectively. 2 Different from the continuous response process of the acoustic emission,apparent resistivity and electromagnetic radiation multi⁃source information of the intact structure surrounding rock,the layered and massive structure surrounding rocks show the phase response law, and the characteristic value is more prominent,showing the phase jump law. 3 The areas of fracture zones in intact, layered and massive structures are 448.84,651.76 and 824.49 cm2,respectively. With the decrease of the structural integrity of surrounding rock,the area of fracture zones increases continuously,ranging from 1.5 to 1.9 times in this study. 4 The instability mechanism of surrounding rock changes from the strength control type of intact structure to the structure control type of massive structure,while the layered structure shows the characteristics of com⁃ bined strength and structure control. And the structural effect of surrounding rock failure and instability is becom⁃ ing more and more significant.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    structure effect;whole loading⁃displacement curve;multi-source information;disaster evolution;instabili⁃ ty mechanism

  • 文章目录

    1 深部围岩结构变形失稳全过程物理模型试验设计

       1.1 试验系统

       1.2 模型相似性

       1.3 试验方案

       1.4 试验过程

    2 不同结构围岩荷载-位移全过程分析

    3 不同结构围岩变形破裂演化的多源信息响应

       3.1 声发射演化特征分析

       3.2 电磁辐射演化特征分析

       3.3 视电阻率演化特征分析

       3.4 不同结构围岩变形破裂机制

    4 不同结构围岩峰后损伤分布特征

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    JING Hongwen,ZHAO Zhenlong,WU Jiangyu.Disaster evolution mechanism of surrounding rock structure of deep roadway based on multi⁃source information representation[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(1): 163-176.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 深部地下工程结构变形失稳全过程模型试验系统

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