Method of gangue grouting filling in subsequent space of coal mining
ZHANG Jixiong,ZHOU Nan,GAO Feng,YAN Hao
矿山固废处置与利用是我国煤矿开采中面临的主要问题之一,严重制约着煤炭资源开发与 环境保护协调发展。 井下充填是矿山固废绿色高效处置的重要技术途径之一,但现有充填技术增 加了工作面生产工序,降低了 15% ~ 20%采煤效率,亟需解决矿山固废充填与煤炭开采之间时空干 涉难题,突破矿山固废井下充填处置的技术瓶颈。 为此,综述了矸石处置利用现状与存在问题,提 出了煤矿开采嗣后空间矸石注浆充填方法,系统阐述了嗣后空间矸石注浆充填方法内涵及关键科 学与技术问题,给出了嗣后空间矸石注浆充填系统空间布局方式,探讨了非均质矸石料浆流动性稳 态控制机理、嗣后空间空隙结构特征及时空演化规律、嗣后空间矸石料浆迁移扩散规律、嗣后空间 矸石注浆充填岩层控制机理等理论的研究重点,分析了毫米级矸石注浆充填材料研发、矸石料浆高 效制备与输送、注浆钻孔布局及时效控制、矸石注浆充填效果智能监控等技术的研究难点。 煤矿开 采嗣后空间矸石注浆充填方法创新了矸石井下高效处置新模式,完善了矸石综合处置与利用技术 体系,引领了我国煤炭资源绿色安全高效开发新方向,在矿山固废高效处置及生态环境保护等方面 具有广阔应用前景,可促进矿山矸石固废的源头减排、就地处置、循环利用绿色发展模式的建设。
The disposal and utilization of mine solid waste is a common problem in China’s coal mining,which seri⁃ ously restricts the coordinated development of coal resources and environment. Underground filling is one of the impor⁃ tant approaches for environmentally friendly and efficient disposal of solid waste in mines. However,the existing fill⁃ ing technology increases the production process of the working face and reduces the mining efficiency by 15%-20%. It is urgent to solve the problem of time⁃space interference between solid waste filling and coal mining, and break through the technical bottleneck of underground solid waste backfill in coal mines. In this paper,the present situation and existing problems of the disposal and utilization of gangue were summarized,the method of grouting filling in the space after mining with gangue was raised,the connotation and key problems of grouting filling after coal mining were systematically expounded,the spatial layout of grouting filling system was given. The research highlights of the steady⁃ state control mechanism of the fluidity of heterogeneous gangue slurry,the characteristics of void structure of the space after mining and space⁃time evolution law,the migration and diffusion law of slurry and the control mechanism of rock stratum with grouting filling were discussed. The research difficulties of millimeter grouting filling materials,the effi⁃ cient preparation and transportation of slurry,the layout and time control of grouting boreholes,and the intelligent mo⁃ nitoring of grouting filling were analyzed. The research results of this paper can innovate a new mode of efficient dis⁃ posal of gangue underground coal mine,and further improve the technical system of comprehensive disposal and utili⁃ zation of gangue,and lead the new direction of environmentally friendly,safe and efficient development of coal in Chi⁃ na,and there are broad application prospects in efficient disposal of solid waste in mines and ecological environment protection,which can promote the construction of environmentally friendly development mode of source emission reduc⁃ tion,on⁃site disposal and recycling of solid waste in mines.
gangue;space after mining;grouting filling;solid waste disposal;strata control
1 矸石高效处置的必要性
1.1 煤矿矸石排放量大
1.2 矸石处置与利用率低
1.3 煤矿开采井下可利用空间大
1.4 国家政策导向
2 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填方法
2.1 嗣后空间的内涵
2.2 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填整体思路
2.3 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填系统空间布局方式
3 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填方法难点与研究关键
3.1 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填方法难点
3.2 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填研究关键
4 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填的关键科学问题
4.1 非均质矸石料浆流动性稳态控制机理
4.2 嗣后空间空隙结构特征及时空演化规律
4.3 嗣后空间矸石料浆迁移扩散规律
4.4 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填岩层控制机理
5 嗣后空间矸石注浆充填的关键技术问题
5.1 毫米级矸石注浆充填材料研发
5.2 矸石料浆高效制备与输送技术
5.3 注浆钻孔布局及时效控制技术
5.4 矸石注浆充填效果智能监控技术
6 工程实践
6.1 红庆河煤矿工程地质条件
6.2 嗣后空间矸石注浆工程设计
6.3 嗣后空间矸石注浆效果实测
7 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会