• 全部
  • Title

    Application status and prospect of hydrogen under low carbon background

  • 作者


  • Author

    XU Jiangrong;SONG Ao;HONG Jiaxuan;LI Yunchao;LIU Maosheng;ZHANG Guangxue

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Metrology and Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University
  • 摘要
    化石燃料的大量消耗已造成了温室气体的过度排放,引起了严重的环境问题。 优化能源结构、开发清洁能源实现“低碳” 发展迫在眉睫。 氢能是能够替代传统化石燃料最理想的燃料之一。 在对氢能基本概述的基础上,详细综述了氢能在燃料领域和非燃料领域中的应用情况;其中,作为燃料方向的应用包括燃料电池、热力发电厂和航空器,作为非燃料方向的应用包括化工合成、石油炼制和冶金工业等。 在燃烧应用方面,燃料电池结构需进一步优化;需开展掺氢天然气燃烧器的设计以及掺氢燃烧的大型化研究;同时需开发氢与其他航空燃料混燃技术,以提高氢能的航空适用性。 在非燃烧应用方面,当氢用作化工原料时,需考虑氢源成本;用作石油炼制和冶金工业还原剂使用时,需考虑氢还原催化剂的寿命问题。 对氢安全和氢能应用现存的技术挑战进行了论述,无论是燃烧还是非燃烧应用,均需格外注意氢安全;论文同时对氢能未来应用发展方向进行了展望。
  • Abstract
    The massive consumption of fossil fuels has caused the excessive emission of greenhouse ga⁃ses and caused serious environmental issues. It is urgent to optimize the energy structure, develop cleanenergy and achieve " low-carbon" development. Hydrogen energy is one of the most ideal fuels to re⁃place traditional fossil fuels. The application of hydrogen energy in fuel and non-fuel fields is reviewedin detail based on the basic principles of hydrogen energy. Among them, applications as fuels includefuel cells, thermal power plants, and aircraft, while applications as non-fuels include chemical synthe⁃sis, petroleum refining, and the metallurgical industry. In combustion applications, the structure of fuelcells needs to be further optimized. The design of a hydrogen - doped natural gas burner and theresearch on large-scale hydrogen-doped combustion should be carried out. At the same time, it is nec⁃essary to develop the hybrid combustion technology of hydrogen and other aviation fuels to improve theapplicability of hydrogen energy to aviation. In non-combustion applications, when hydrogen is used asa chemical feedstock, the cost of the hydrogen source should be considered. When a hydrogen reductioncatalyst is used as the reducing agent in the petroleum refining and metallurgy industry, its service lifeshould be considered. The technical challenges of hydrogen safety and hydrogen energy application arediscussed. The safety of hydrogen should be emphasized in both combustion and non-combustion appli⁃cations. The future development direction of hydrogen energy application has been prospected.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Carbon neutral; Hydrogen gas; Hydrogen application; Combustion; Hydrogen safety

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    2023 年度浙江省“尖兵”研发攻关计划项目(2023C01124)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    徐江荣, 宋奥, 洪佳璇, 等. 低碳背景下氢应用现状与前景展望[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(1): 65-73.
  • Citation
    XU Jiangrong, SONG Ao, HONG Jiaxuan, et al. Application status and prospect of hydrogen under low carbonbackground[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 65-73.
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