• 全部
  • Title

    Advances in biomass-based thermochemical hydrogen production technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    YIN Fan;ZENG Dewang;QIU Yu;YANG Yanxin;WU Shiliang;XIAO Rui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Energy Thermal Conversion and Control of Ministry of Education,Southeast University
  • 摘要
    化石燃料的过度使用造成了能源危机与温室效应,开发清洁可持续的能源能够调整我国能源结构,推动绿色可持续发展。 氢气作为一种有前途的能源和清洁燃料,对环境无危害,已经成为未来能源中最有前途的能源载体。 因此,有必要寻求低能耗和低成本的绿色可持续制氢技术。在“双碳”背景下,生物质制氢被认为是一种绿色可持续的发展技术,拥有长期的增长潜力,并有望逐步减少环境污染和资源的过度开采。 鉴于当前的研究趋势和新兴技术,本文重点围绕生物质热化学转化制氢所涉及的热解、蒸汽气化、超临界水气化和化学链制氢技术的原理、影响因素以及研究现状进行评述,并针对当前技术的未来发展提出展望。
  • Abstract
    The excessive utilization of fossil fuels has caused the energy crisis and greenhouse effect,and the development of clean and sustainable sources can adjust the energy structure of China and pro⁃mote green and sustainable development. Hydrogen, as a promising energy source and a clean fuel withno harm to the environment, has become the most promising energy carrier in future energy. Therefore,it is necessary to seek green and sustainable hydrogen production technologies with low energy con⁃sumption and low cost. Under the background of " double carbon" , hydrogen production from biomassis considered as a green and sustainable development technology, which is deemed to have long-termgrowth potential and is expected to gradually reduce environmental pollution and over-exploitation ofresources. In view of the current research trends and emerging technologies, this paper focuses on thereview of the principles, influencing factors and current research status of hydrogen production technol⁃ogies from thermochemical conversion of biomass to pyrolysis, steam gasification, supercritical watergasification and chemical looping hydrogen production, and provides an outlook on the future develop⁃ment of current technologies.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Biomass; Pyrolysis; Gasification; Chemical looping; Hydrogen energy

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    尹凡, 曾德望, 邱宇, 等. 生物质热化学制氢技术研究进[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(1): 29-41.
  • Citation
    YIN Fan, ZENG Dewang, QIU Yu, et al. Advances in biomass-based thermochemical hydrogen production tech⁃nology[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 29-41.
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