• 全部
  • Title

    Present situation and prospect of waste resource reutilizationtechnologies in water source reservoir

  • 作者


  • Author

    FENG Leiyu;ZHANG Xukun;CHEN Beibei;LUO Zhenning;SU Yu;XU Bin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
    State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse
    Shanghai Chengtou Raw Water Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    清淤底泥、芦苇秸秆以及藻类物质是水源地水库生态建设和运行过程中产生的三类废弃物,对其进行高效资源化处理处置是水库实现生态循环的重要保证,对提升水库水质及可持续发展具有重要意义。 本文首先综述了清淤底泥在农田、林地、园林绿化等方面进行土地利用和制作建筑材料、填方材料等方面进行建材利用的资源化技术现状,总结了芦苇秸秆在农业、养殖业、能源、工业原料等方向进行资源化利用以及打捞蓝藻在厌氧消化、有用物质提取、饲料应用、好氧堆肥等资源化技术的发展现状;进而分析了上述资源化技术在水源地水库废弃物资源化过程中应用的适用性,指出土地利用是清淤底泥资源化利用的最佳方式,好氧堆肥是芦苇秸秆和蓝藻废弃物资源化处理处置的主流技术;最后针对水库废弃物资源化利用提出了展望和建议。
  • Abstract
    Dredged sediment, reed straw and algae are three kinds of wastes generated during the eco⁃logical construction and operation of the water source reservoir. Efficient treatment and disposal of themis an important guarantee for realizing the ecological cycle of the reservoir, and is of great significancefor improving the water quality and sustainable development. Firstly, this paper summarizes the currentsituation of resource utilization technology of dredged sediment in farmland, forest land, landscapingand other aspects of land use and building materials production, filling materials and other aspects ofbuilding materials utilization, and summarizes the development status of resource utilization technologyof reed straw in agriculture, aquaculture, energy, industrial raw materials and other aspects, as well asthe recovery of blue-green algae in anaerobic digestion, extraction of useful substances, feed applica⁃tion, aerobic composting and other aspects. Furthermore, the applicability of the above resource utiliza⁃tion technologies in the process of resource utilization of water source reservoir wastes is analyzed, andit is pointed out that land use is the best way of resource utilization of dredged sediment, and aerobiccomposting is the mainstream technology of treatment and disposal of reed straw and blue-green algaewastes. Finally, targeted suggestions are put forward for waste resource reutilization technologies inwater source reservoir.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Reservoir; Dredged sediment; Reed straw; Algae; Resource reutilization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    冯雷雨, 张旭坤, 陈蓓蓓, 等. 水源地水库废弃物资源化利用技术的现状与展望[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(1): 21-28.
  • Citation
    FENG Leiyu, ZHANG Xukun, CHEN Beibei, et al. Present situation and prospect of waste resource reutilizationtechnologies in water source reservoir[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 21-28.
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