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Influence of maximum principal stress direction on the failure process and characteristics of D-shap
  • 作者

    Linqi HuangXuefeng SiXibing LiFengqiang GongYong Luo

  • 单位

    School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University School of Resources Environment and Safety Engineering, University of South China School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University

  • 摘要
    To investigate the failure process and characteristics of D-shaped tunnels under different maximum principal stress directions θ, true-triaxial tests were conducted on cubic sandstone samples with a through D-shaped hole. The test results show that the failure process can be divided into 4 periods:calm, buckling deformation, gradual buckling and exfoliation of rock fragment, and formation of a Vshaped notch. With an increase in θ from 0° to 90°, the size of the rock fragments first decreases and then increases, whereas the fractal dimension of the rock fragments first increases and then decreases. Meanwhile, the failure position at the left side shifts from the sidewall to the corner and finally to the floor, whereas the failure position at the right side moves from the sidewall to the spandrel and finally to the roof, which is consistent with the failure position in underground engineering. In addition, the initial vertical failure stress first decreases and then increases. By comparing the results,the failure severities at different maximum principal stress directions can be ranked from high to low in the following order: 90°>60°>30°>45°>0°.
  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
    Linqi Huang,Xuefeng Si,Xibing Li,Fengqiang Gong,Yong Luo.Influence of maximum principal stress direction on the failure process and characteristics of D-shaped tunnels[J].International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2022,32(05):1125-1143.

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