• 全部
  • Title

    Road obstacle detection in open⁃pit mines based on bidirectional feature fusion

  • 作者


  • Author

    RUAN Shunling;LI Shaobo;GU Qinghua;JIANG Song;MAO Jing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resource Engineering,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
    Xi’an Key Laboratory of Intelligent IndustryPerception Computing and Decision Making,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
    Xi’an U-Mine Intelligent ResearchInstitute Co.Ltd.
  • 摘要

    近年来矿用卡车自动驾驶的兴起,使得障碍检测变得至关重要,露天矿区非结构化道路复杂多变,时常出现碎石、坑洼等小目标或多尺度行车障碍,严重危害行车安全。因此,笔者提出一种基于双向特征融合的露天矿区道路障碍检测方法。通过实地采集并使用数据扩增方法对露天矿障碍图像数据集进一步细分及扩充,并在特征提取阶段提出了更适用于障碍检测的RepVGG+骨干网络结构。在特征融合阶段,提出基于SimAM 空间与通道注意力和跨阶段连接的双向特征融合金字塔模型。通过扩大预测小目标障碍的特征图和特征感受野,提升小目标障碍检测性能,通过双向特征融合机制提升多尺度检测性能。同时对网络分类预测模块的卷积层和先验框尺寸进一步调整,提升障碍检测性能,降低特征冗余,加快模型推理速度。在模型的损失函数方面,针对训练中样本不均衡和障碍物边界框定位不精准问题,使用融合标签平滑正则化的Focal Loss 作为分类损失函数,GIoU Loss 作为边界框损失函数进一步优化露天矿区障碍模型。实验表明本文方法能有效识别复杂背景下露天矿区非结构化道路障碍物,在实际应用中,检测精度达到了91.76%,检测速度达到56.76 fps,相较于主流检测方法有着更好的小目标和多尺度目标检测性能,可以满足露天矿区无人矿卡行进中的障碍安全检测要求。

  • Abstract
    The emerging of autonomous driving for mining trucks in recent years has made obstacle detection critical.Unstructured roads in open pit areas are complex and variable, and small targets or multi⁃scale driving obstacles suchas stones and potholes often appear, which seriously endanger driving safety. Therefore, this paper proposes a methodfor detecting road obstacles in open⁃pit mines based on bidirectional feature fusion. The open pit barrier image datasetis further segmented and expanded through the field acquisition and usage of data augmentation methods, and aRepVGG+ backbone network structure more suitable for obstacle detection is proposed in the feature extraction stage. In the feature fusion stage, a bidirectional feature fusion pyramid model based on SimAM space with channel attentionand cross⁃stage connectivity is proposed. The performance of small target obstacle detection is improved by expan⁃ding the feature map and feature perception field for predicting small target obstacles, and the performance of multi⁃scale detection is improved by a bidirectional feature fusion mechanism. The convolutional layer and anchor size of the net⁃work classification and prediction module are also further adjusted to improve obstacle detection performance, reducefeature redundancy, and speed up model inference. In terms of the loss function of the model, for the problems of unbal⁃anced samples in training and imprecise obstacle bounding box localization, the Focal Loss with fused label smoothing regu⁃larization is used as the classification loss function, and the GIoU Loss is used as the bounding box loss function to furtheroptimize the open pit obstacle model. Experiments show that the method in this paper can effectively identify unstructuredroad obstacles in open pit mines in complex backgrounds. In practical applications, the detection accuracy reaches91.76% mAP and the detection speed reaches 56.76 fps, which has a better small target and multi⁃scale target detectionperformance compared with some mainstream detection methods, and can meet the requirements for the safe detection ofobstacles in the unmanned mine trucks traveling in open pit mines.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    open pit mine;driverless truck;machine vision;obstacle detection;feature fusion

  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 露天矿区障碍物及其特征

    图(13) / 表(0)


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