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  • Title

    Late diagenesis stage division and genesis of Upper Paleozoic coal bearing strata in Longdong area,Ordos Basin

  • 作者


  • Author

    YU Wei;WEI Xinshan;YANG Zhaolin;GUI Xiaojun;TIAN Jingchun;WANG Feng;LIU Baojun;GONG Li

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute of Sedimentary Geology,Chengdu University of Technology
    Research Institute of Exploration and Development ofChangqing Oilfield Branch Company,PetroChina
    National Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Development of Low⁃permea⁃bility Oil / Gas Fields
  • 摘要

    为探讨鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区上古生界含煤地层晚成岩作用阶段划分标志异常及成因,利用薄片鉴定、阴极发光、X-衍射、扫描电镜、镜质体反射率(Ro) 以及包裹体温度等测试手段对样品进行分析。结果表明:上古生界含煤地层烃源岩Ro 平均为2.3%,最高热解温度Tmax 平均值为555.1 ℃,黏土矿物主要为伊/ 蒙混层、伊利石、高岭石及绿泥石,在砂岩发生了具有浅变质的绢云母化、石英Ⅲ-Ⅳ级加大边、矿物定向排列、干气气藏等晚成岩作用阶段的特征。但研究发现砂岩黏土矿物相对含量中高岭石大量存在,伊/ 蒙混层质量分数较高,且包裹体均一温度低于正常晚成岩阶段的成岩温度等异常标志。陇东地区上古生界含煤地层中烃源岩热演化程度较高,油气携带酸性流体进入砂岩,引起长石等铝硅酸盐的溶蚀,而长石类铝硅酸盐矿物的溶蚀作用为自生高岭石提供大量的Al3+,导致地层中高岭石的大量存在,K+ 含量很低也阻碍了高岭石发生伊利石化;由于地层中的钾长石等富钾矿物的含量有限,不足以提供蒙皂石和高岭石全部转化成伊利石,而蒙皂石和高岭石就会被保留下来,导致伊蒙混层大量存在,且地层中的凝灰质岩屑发生泥岩化,使蒙皂石质量分数增加,也导致地层中伊蒙混层质量分数较高;研究区包裹体的盐度与均一温度呈负相关,且包裹体的盐度水平达到了中等盐度,使大部分成岩温度低于晚成岩阶段,且水-岩作用不活跃导致只有少量晚成岩阶段温度包裹体被记录下来,从而所测到的温度大部分停留在中成岩阶段,只有个别温度处于晚成岩阶段。

  • Abstract
    In order to explore the marker anomaly and genesis of the late diagenesis stage division of the Upper Paleo⁃zoic coal bearing strata in the Longdong area of Ordos Basin, the samples were analyzed by means of thin section iden⁃tification, cathodoluminescence, X⁃diffraction, scanning electron microscope, vitrinite reflectance (Ro ) and wrap⁃ping temperature. The results show that the average Ro of source rocks in the Upper Paleozoic coal bearing strata is2.3%, and the average value of the maximum pyrolysis temperature Tmax is 555.1 ℃. The clay minerals are mainlyI/ S, illite, kaolinite and chlorite. The sandstone has the characteristics of late diagenesis stages such as light meta⁃morphic sericitization, grade III-IV enlarged edge of quartz, mineral orientation and dry gas reservoir. However, it isfound that kaolinite is abundant in the relative content of clay minerals in sandstone, the content of I/ S is high,and the homogenization temperature of inclusions is lower than the diagenetic temperature of normal late diageneticstage. In the Upper Paleozoic coal bearing strata in the Longdong area, the degree of thermal evolution of source rocksis high. Oil and gas carry acid fluid into sandstone, causing the dissolution of feldspar and other aluminosilicates.The dissolution of feldspar aluminosilicate minerals provides a large amount of Al3+ for authigenic kaolinite, resultingin a large amount of kaolinite in the formation. The low content of K+ also hinders the illitization of kaolinite.Due to the limited content of potassium rich minerals such as K⁃feldspar in the stratum, it is not enough to providesmectite, and kaolinite are all transformed into illite, while smectite and kaolinite will be retained, resulting in alarge number of I/ S. Moreover, the tuffaceous rock debris in the stratum is argillized, which increases the content ofsmectite and also leads to the high content of I/ S in the stratum. The salinity of inclusions in the study area is nega⁃tively correlated with homogenization temperature, and the salinity level of inclusions reaches medium salinity,which makes most of the diagenetic temperature lower than that in the late diagenetic stage. The inactive water rock in⁃teraction results in only a small amount of temperature inclusions recorded in the late diagenetic stage, so mostof the measured temperatures stay in the middle diagenetic stage, and only a few temperatures are in the late diagenet⁃ic stage.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal measures;late diagenesis stage;the diagenesis marker anomaly;The Upper Paleozoic;Ordos Basin

  • 图表
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