Numerical simulation of CO2 storage in bedded salt rock storage cavern in Subei Basin
ZONG Shi;LIU Shiqi;XU Hui;WANG Wenkai;CAO Bo;HUANG Fansheng
Underground salt cavern is an effective geological body for CO2 storage. The leakage of CO2 along the weak interlayer of salt rock and the interface of salt layer and interlayer is the key to restrict the safe storage of CO2 in underground salt cavern. A fluid-solid coupling mathematical model of CO2 storage in bedded salt cavern gas storage was established based on the CO2 salt cavern storage in Jintan area of Subei basin. On this basis, the leakage and migration law of CO2 in salt rock and mudstone interlayer, as well as its influence on CO2 safe storage, was analyzed. Meanwhile, the dynamic response characteristics of the permeability of salt rock and mudstone interlayer were discussed. The results show that the permeability is the key factor of CO2 migration rate and leakage range in salt strata. Under the influence of permeability, the CO2 migration rate and leakage range in the mudstone interlayer are greater than those in the salt rock. However, with the extension of the CO2 storage time, the CO2 migration rate and pressure increase in the salt rock and mudstone interlayer decrease in both, and tend to be stable as the CO2 pressure spreads to the simulation boundary. The dynamic change of permeability is the result under the combined action of the negative effect of overlying formation pressure and the positive effect of the CO2 pressure in salt strata, and affected by the mechanical properties of the salt rock and mudstone interlayer. When the CO2 storage time is less than 3 years, the overlying formation pressure is the main controlling factor for the decrease of the salt rock permeability. With the extension of the CO2 storage time, the influence of CO2 pressure in the salt rock on the salt rock permeability gradually dominates, making the permeability of salt rock recover within the CO2 influence range. Compared with salt rock, the elastic modulus of mudstone interlayer is smaller, while the influence of overlying formation pressure and CO2 pressure on its permeability is more significant. The permeability of mudstone interlayer is generally higher than that of salt rock, and CO2 mainly migrates and leaks along the mudstone interlayer. Therefore, the influence of mudstone interlayer should be fully considered during the site selection, construction and operation of CO2 salt cavern storage, and proper protection and monitoring should be carried out to avoid CO2 leakage along mudstone interlayer. Although the CO2 storage pressure in the salt cavern has no significant effect on the migration rate and leakage range of CO2 in salt strata, the high gas storage pressure increases the CO2 pressure in salt strata within the CO2 influence range, resulting in significant permeability recovery of the salt rock and mudstone interlayer, which indirectly affects the migration and leakage law of CO2 in salt strata. Therefore, the influence of permeability and mechanical strength of salt rock and mudstone interlayer should be fully considered during the setting of CO2 storage pressure.
salt rock cavern;mudstone interlayer;CO2 storage ;permeability;Subei Basin
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会