• 全部
  • Title

    Development of storage equipment of continuous cable pipe for borehole rescue

  • 作者


  • Author

    GAO Ke;NIU Xin;ZHAO Yan;QIN Xiaolin;LYU Xiaoshu;XIE Xiaobo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University
    Engineering Research Center of Geothermal Resources Development Technology and Equipment, Ministry of Education, Jilin University
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology, University of Vaasa
    Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University
  • 摘要
    双钻头仿生自平衡连续钻进技术具有无需钻机、钻进速度快和对井壁扰动小等优点,是构建矿山灾害保障救援通道的潜在关键技术之一。该技术中的连续缆管由于内置有电源、信号和排屑等通道,要求在储放过程中不能出现像现有滚筒式绞车储存连续管时存在的互咬、挤压和设置动静导电滑环等情况,故需研制与之匹配的专用连续缆管地面储放设备。依据双钻头自平衡钻进技术的需求和连续管滚筒式绞车储存技术存在的不足,提出了连续缆管套筒式储存和夹持式输送原理,构建了连续缆管套筒式储存和输送模型,并应用有限元分析软件对连续缆管的夹持输送过程进行模拟分析。依据双钻头仿生自平衡钻进系统对连续缆管的性能要求,确定了整机尺寸参数,并对整机的运行参数进行了计算,建立了适用于连续缆管外径为50.8 mm、井眼深度小于1 016.8 m、场地面积小于50 m2钻井工况的钻孔救援连续缆管储放设备三维模型。最后,研发了与本设备匹配的电控系统,并对加工组装好的整机进行了连续缆管夹持输送、储放设备运行、连续缆管储放等机电一体化联调与试验。结果表明:连续缆管储放设备运行平稳,在连续缆管存储和输送过程中,无互咬和锁死现象,没有动静导电滑环,能够满足双钻头仿生自平衡钻进系统的技术需求,为钻孔救援双钻头自平衡连续钻进提供了必要的装备支撑。
  • Abstract

    The double-bit bionic self-balancing continuous drilling technology has the advantages including requiring no drilling rig, high drilling speed and slight disturbance to the borehole wall. It is one of the key potential technologies for constructing the security and rescue passages against mine disasters. In this technology, as there are passages for power supply, signal, chip removal and other aspects that are built in the continuous cable pipe, it is required that there shall be no such interference, extrusion or arrangement of dynamic/static conductive electric conduction link as in using the existing drum hoist to store continuous pipes during storage. Therefore, the special ground storage equipment for continuous cable pipes that fits with the technology shall be developed. Firstly based on the demand of the double-bit self-balanced drilling technology and the deficiency in the drum hoist storage technology for continuous pipes. We proposed the sleeve storage and hold-down conveying principle for continuous cable pipes, constructed models, and applied the software of finite element analysis to conduct simulation analysis for the hold-down conveying process of the continuous cable pipes. Secondly according to the double-bit bionic self-balancing drilling system's requirements about the continuous cable pipe performance, the 3D model of the storage equipment of continuous cable pipe for borehole rescue that was applicable to the drilling conditions with the outer diameter of the continuous cable pipe of 50.8 mm, the borehole depth smaller than 1 016.8 m and the site area smaller than 50 m2 was constructed. Finally, the electronic control system fitting with this equipment was developed, and the mechatronics combined adjusting and test, including the continuous cable pipe's hold-down conveying, operation of storage equipment and storage of continuous cable pipes, were conducted for the machined, assembled equipment. As indicated by the results, during the storage and conveying of the continuous cable pipes, there was no interference, locking or dynamic and static electric conduction link, which can meet the technical demand of the double-bit bionic self-balancing drilling system and provide necessary equipment support for the double-bit self-balancing continuous drilling for borehole rescue.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    borehole rescue;continuous cable pipe;storage equipment;multi-sleeve continuous storage cable;mine disaster

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    1 连续缆管储放原理
    1.1 多套筒连续缆管储放原理
    1.1.1 储筒与连续缆管间的受力
    1.1.2 主副多套筒储存原理
    1.1.3 主副多套筒存储量
    1.2 连续缆管注入驱动原理
    1.2.1 连续缆管夹持与注入工作原理
    1.2.2 连续缆管夹持与注入参数计算
    1.2.3 连续缆管夹持机构受力分析
    2 连续缆管储放设备研制
    2.1 连续缆管储放设备结构设计
    2.2 连续缆管储放设备运行参数的计算
    2.3 连续缆管储放控制系统设计
    2.3.1 控制逻辑与策略
    2.3.2 可视化操作界面设计
    3 连续缆管储放设备试验
    3.1 整机运行试验
    3.2 注入试验
    3.3 套筒式储管试验
    4 结论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    GAO Ke,NIU Xin,ZHAO Yan,et al. Development of storage equipment of continuous cable pipe for borehole rescue[J]. Coal Geology & Exploration,2023,51(3):168−176
  • 相关文章
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 连续缆管储入滚筒时受力

    图(16) / 表(0)


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