• 全部
  • Title

    Application of sulfur-based functional materials in advanced nitrogenremoval for wastewater: Research progress and development tendency

  • 作者


  • Author

    QIAN Zhimin;SUN Yilu;ZHANG Xuening;SHAO Chenyang;ZHANG Jingzhe;PAN Chenchen;CHENG Haoyi;REN Nanqi;WANG Aijie

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology, Research Center forEco-Environmental Sciences
    Harbin Institute of Technology, State Key Laboratoryof Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Environment
  • 摘要
    为了降低人类生产和生活过程排放的氮素污染物对自然水体的环境压力,我国污水处理厂的总氮排放标准在持续提升,对生物脱氮技术的稳定性和经济性提出了极大的挑战。 硫自养反硝化技术不受水质低碳氮比限制,在脱氮成本、污泥产率及碳减排等方面优势突出,受到学术界和工业界的广泛关注。 经过长期研究积累和工程实践,硫自养反硝化技术已经发展和衍生出多元化的工艺系统。 本文聚焦于硫基功能材料作为反硝化电子供体驱动的自养生物脱氮过程,对功能材料性能、功能微生物特征、适配型工艺系统及应用现状进行了系统综述,旨在厘清研究进展和预判发展方向。
  • Abstract
    In order to reduce the pollution pressure of nitrogen pollutants from human life and industrialproductions on natural water body, China government has been constantly raising the standards of totalnitrogen emissions from sewage treatment plants in recent years, which poses great challenge towastewater denitrification technology on performance stability and economical efficiency. Sulfur Auto⁃trophic Denitrification technology, with a distinct advantage on cost, sludge yield and carbon emissionwhile without low carbon nitrogen ratio limitation, has received widespread attention in academia andindustry. After long-term research accumulation and engineering practice, Sulfur Autotrophic Denitrifi⁃cation technology has developed and derived a variety of process systems. This paper focuses on theprocess of autotrophic denitrification system driven by sulfur-based functional materials, systematicallyreviews the types and properties of functional materials, enriched characteristic functional microorgan⁃isms, adaptive process systems and engineering application status. It aims to clarify the research pro⁃gress and predict the development direction of this technology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Sulfur-based functional materials; Microorganisms; Autotrophic denitrification; Deep ni⁃trogen removal; Engineering application

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 硫基功能材料
    1.1 单质硫
    1.2 硫基天然矿物
    1.3 单质硫-有机物复合材料
    1.4 单质硫-石灰石复合材料
    1.5 单质硫-菱铁矿复合材料
    2 功能微生物与功能酶
    2.1 功能微生物
    2.2 功能酶
    2.2.1 硫氧化酶
    2.2.2 氮还原酶
    3 与硫基功能材料适配的工艺系统
    3.1 固定床/生物滤池(Packed-bed/biofilter)
    3.2 流化床(Fluidized-bed)
    3.3 膜生物反应器(Membrane bioreactor)
    3.4 人工湿地(Constructed wetland)
    4 工程应用
    5 结论与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    钱志敏, 孙移鹿, 张雪宁, 等. 硫基功能材料在污水深度脱氮中的应用———研究进展与发展趋势[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(2): 1-15.
  • Citation
    QIAN Zhimin, SUN Yilu, ZHANG Xuening, et al. Application of sulfur-based functional materials in advancednitrogen removal for wastewater: Research progress and development tendency[J]. Energy Environmental Protec⁃tion, 2023, 37(2): 1-15.
  • 相关专题

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