Measurement techniques new progress of atmospheric fine particles
XIE Zhibo;GUI Huaqiao;;ZHANG Jiaoshi;YANG Bo;KANG Shipeng;WEI Xiuli;YU Tongzhu;YANG Yixin;LIU Jianguo;LIU Wenqing
Key Laboratory of Environmental Optics and Technology, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Key Laboratory of Optical MonitoringTechnology for Environment
大气细颗粒物污染对区域环境、全球气候和人体健康均具有重要影响,因此大气细颗粒一直是污染防治的重点和难点之一。 近年来,特别是我国大气污染防治计划的持续推进,大气细颗粒物污染问题已得到显著改善,同时也伴随着一系列测量技术的长足发展。 本文针对大气细颗粒物数浓度、粒径分布、化学组成等物理化学参数信息,综述了近年来大气细颗粒物测量技术的发展与应用状况。 对于细颗粒物数浓度测定,主要分为扩散荷电计数和凝结粒子计数两类,前者主要适用于燃烧排放场景,后者则适用于城市空气低浓度测量场景;对于细颗粒粒径测量,主要分为单颗粒粒径和整体粒径谱分析两类,单颗粒粒径多采用电子显微和光学显微方式,整体粒径谱分析主要为电迁移分级方式;对于细颗粒物组分测定,主要以气溶胶质谱与光谱分析为主。 最后,面向大气颗粒物演变机制研究与智能化监测监管新需求,展望了未来大气细颗粒物将向多参数综合表征、动态过程快速测量、高性能微纳传感等方向发展。
Atmospheric fine particle pollution has an important impact on regional environment, globalclimate and human health, so it has been one of the key and difficult points of air pollution preventionand control. In recent years, due to the continuous promotion of China's air pollution prevention andcontrol plan, the problem of atmospheric fine particle pollution has been significantly improved, andthe relevant measurement technology has also made considerable progress. In this paper, the develop⁃ment and application of atmospheric fine particle measurement technology in recent years are reviewedbased on the information of physical and chemical parameters such as atmospheric fine particle numberconcentration, particle size distribution and chemical composition. For the measurement of fine particlenumber concentration, it mainly includes diffusion charge counting and condensation particle counting.The former is mainly applicable to the combustion emission scenario, and the latter is applicable to theurban air low concentration scenario. For the measurement of fine particle size, it mainly involves singleparticle size and overall particle size spectrum analysis. The single particle size is mostly determined byelectron microscopy and optical microscopy, and the particle size spectrum analysis is mainly deter⁃mined by electro migration classification. For the component measurement of fine particles, aerosolmass spectrometry and spectral analysis are mainly used. Finally, in view of the new requirements of re⁃search on the evolution mechanism of atmospheric particulates and intelligent monitoring and supervi⁃sion, this paper discusses the future development of atmospheric fine particulates in multi-parametercomprehensive characterization, rapid measurement of dynamic processes, high-performance micronano sensors and other directions.
Atmospheric fine particle; Number concentration; Particle size; Chemical composition;On-line measurement
中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目( 2022 - 06 - 02,2021 - XBZD - 13 - 29);安徽省科技基金( 202003a07020005,1908085MD114,2108085MD139);中科院合肥研究院院长基金(BJPY2021A04,YZJJ2022QN04)
0 引 言
1 大气细颗粒物数浓度测量
1.1 扩散荷电法
1.2 凝结粒子计数
2 大气细颗粒物粒径测量
2.1 单颗粒成像粒径分析
2.1.1 电子显微成像
2.1.2 光学显微成像
2.1.3 表面波显微成像
2.2 颗粒物粒径分布测量
3 大气细颗粒物组分测量
3.1 质谱法
3.2 红外光谱法
3.3 拉曼光谱法
4 结 论
解智博, 桂华侨, 张礁石, 等. 大气细颗粒物测量技术研究新进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(2):16-29.
XIE Zhibo, GUI Huaqiao, ZHANG Jiaoshi, et al. Measurement techniques new progress of atmospheric fine parti⁃cles[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(2): 16-29.