• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress of wastewater treatment and resource recoverybased on microalgae-bacteria consortia

  • 作者


  • Author

    LU Lei;MA Jiaying;CHU Huaqiang;;ZHOU Xuefei;ZHANG Yalei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
    State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, Tongji University
  • 摘要
    基于微藻生物处理技术的菌藻共生培养体系,不仅能实现污水资源化,还可利用菌藻间相互作用增强处理系统的污染物去除能力及藻类生物质回收潜力。 菌藻共生体系还可耦合 CO2固定,结合工业烟气中高浓度的 CO2 进行微藻培养可同时实现碳减排与降低微藻额外曝气补充CO2的能耗,符合“碳中和”的发展需求。 本文对菌藻共生体系在污水处理及资源化过程的作用机理、相互作用形式及影响因素进行了系统介绍,对菌藻工程在污染物降解、CO2固定及微藻生物质产品的回收潜力展开综述。 研究菌藻间营养交换、信息传递及基因水平的互相适应作用形式,发现选择适宜的共生菌藻组合培养可有效增强污水中污染物去除效果且提高 CO2固定效率。菌藻共生效应对藻类生物组分(蛋白质、脂质和碳水化合物等) 积累存在增强效应与选择能力,通过污水类型合理遴选藻种及对应共生菌、调节接种比例与培养条件,可提高工业规模上收获微藻并进一步加工生产生物燃料、医疗保健食品等产品的效率。 菌藻共生耦合废水处理、CO2固定及生物质能回收于一体,有利于构建绿色低碳且经济可持续的一体化污水资源化处理技术。
  • Abstract
    Based on microalgae biological treatment technology, the microalgae-bacteria symbiosis sys⁃tem can not only efficiently realize sewage recycling, but also utilize the interactions betweenmicroalgae and bacteria to enhance the pollutant removal capacity of the treatment system and recoversynthetic biomass. Bacterial-algal symbiotic systems can also be coupled with CO2 fixation, and thecombination ofhighCO2 concentrationinindustrialfluegasformicroalgaecultivationcansimultaneously achieve carbon reduction and reduce the energy consumption of additional aeration ofmicroalgae to supplement CO2, which is in line with the development needs of " carbon neutral" . Thisarticle presents a systematic introduction of the mechanism, interaction forms and influencing factors ofbacterial-algal symbiotic system in wastewater treatment and resource recovery process, and a summaryof the potential of bacterial-algal engineering in pollutant degradation, CO2 fixation and recovery of mi⁃croalgal biomass products. The study of nutrient exchange, information transfer and genetic adaptationbetween bacteria and algae reveales that the selection of suitable symbiotic bacteria and algae combina⁃tion culture can effectively enhance the pollutant removal and CO2 fixation efficiency in wastewater. Theeffect of symbiosis on the accumulation of biological components (protein, lipid, carbohydrate, etc.)of algae is enhanced and selective. The selection of algae species and corresponding symbiotic bacteria,the adjustment of inoculation ratio and culture conditions can improve the efficiency of industrial scaleharvesting of microalgae and further processing of biofuel and medical health food products. Bacterialalgal symbiosis is coupled with wastewater treatment, CO2 fixation and biomass energy recovery in one.This article presents a critical review of development and progress of wastewater treatment and resourcerecovery surrounding microalgae-bacteria consortia. The development of the synthetic multi-functionalsystem based on the consortium facilitates building an integrated sewage treatment and resource recoveryprocessing mode featuring in low-carbon, economical and sustainable.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Microalgae-bacteria consortia; Wastewater renovation; Pollutant degradation; Microalgaecarbon sequestration; Biomass recovery

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 菌藻共生体系作用机理
    1.1 菌藻共生处理模式
    1.2 菌藻间相互作用
    1.2.1 菌藻共生相互作用关系
    1.2.2 菌藻共生相互作用形式
    1.3 菌藻共生体系的影响因素
    1.3.1 外部因素
    1.3.2 内部因素
    2 菌藻共生系统的应用
    2.1 菌藻共生体系用于CO2捕集
    2.2 菌藻共生体系用于废水处理与水生物修复
    2.3 菌藻共生体系用于收获生物质
    2.3.1 收获微藻的方法
    2.3.2 不同组分生物质的回收
    3 展 望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    卢蕾, 马佳莹, 褚华强, 等. 基于菌藻共生的污水处理与资源化新技术研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(2): 156-167.
  • Citation
    LU Lei, MA Jiaying, CHU Huaqiang,et al. Research progress of wastewater treatment and resource recoverybased on microalgae-bacteria consortia[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(2): 156-167.
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