• 全部
  • Title

    Systematic analysis of production and efficiency factors of fully-mechanized miningin steeply dipping seam and research on precise strategy of promotingproduction and efficiency

  • 作者


  • Author

    YUN Dongfeng;LI Haonan;WU Yongping;HUANG Zhengping;YANG Lin

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 能源学院教育部西部矿井开采及灾害防治重点实验室四川川煤华荣能源有限公司 花山煤矿

  • Organization
    School of Energy Engineering , Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Key Laboratory of Western Mine Exploitation andHazard Prevention Ministry of Education, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Huashan Coal Mine, SichuanSichuan Coal Huarong Energy Co, LTD
  • 摘要
    大倾角煤层迄今仍为国际公认的复杂难采煤层,我国赋存较多且广泛,煤质优良。近 10 多年,先进的大倾角煤层长壁综采技术发展较快,工作环境改善,劳动强度降低,安全水平提升,但一直存在产量低、效率差等亟待解决的问题,致使综采技术经济优势和投资效益不能充分发挥,制约了大倾角煤层综采的高效持续发展。基于多年的系统研究与工程实践,综合分析认为大倾角煤层综采产量效率主要受到地质、设备、工艺、人员、管理、其他等 6 方面的因素制约,并确定各因素的权重。依据各影响因数的权重有的放矢地采取精准探测、精准检修、精准操作、精准管理、精准培训和精准补充等措施,尤其应更加关注采矿自动化和智能化发展方向并将其作为大倾角煤层综采促产提效的核心精准对策,从根本上改变大倾角煤层综采用人多、产效低的被动现状,实现大倾角煤层长壁综采安全高产减人提效之目标。
  • Abstract
    Steeply dipping seam is still internationally recognized as a complex and difficult coal seam. There are many and extensive coalseams in China with excellent coal quality. In recent ten years, the advanced longwall fully-mechanized mining technology of steeply dipping seam has developed rapidly, the working environment has been improved, the labor intensity has been reduced, and the safety levelhas been improved. However, there have been some urgent problems to be solved, such as low output and poor efficiency. The economicadvantages and investment benefits of fully-mechanized mining technology cannot be fully exerted, which restricts the efficient and sustainable development of fully-mechanized mining in steeply dipping seam. Based on years of systematic research and engineering practice,the comprehensive analysis shows that the production efficiency of fully-mechanized mining in steeply dipping seam is mainly restrictedby six factors, such as geology, equipment, technology, personnel, management and others, and the weight of each factor is determined.According to the weight of each influence factor, we should take targeted measures such as Precise detection, precise maintenance, preciseoperation, precise management, precise training and precise supplement In particular, we should pay more attention to the developmentdirection of mining automation and intelligence, and take it as the core accurate countermeasure for promoting production and efficiency offully-mechanized mining in steeply dipping seam, so as to fundamentally change the passive situation of large number of people and lowproduction efficiency of fully-mechanized mining in steeply dipping seam. The goal of safety, high yield and reducing human efficiency inlong wall comprehensive mining in steeply dipping seam is realized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    steeply dipping seam; comprehensive mechanized coal mining; yield; operation rate of coal mining machine; promote production and efficiency

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    贠东风, 李浩男, 伍永平, 等. 大倾角煤层综采产效要素系统分析与促产提效精准策略研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2023, 51(4):1-10.
  • Citation
    YUN Dongfeng, LI Haonan, WU Yongping. Systematic analysis of production and efficiency factors of fully-mechanized mining insteeply dipping seam and research on precise strategy of promoting production and efficiency[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2023,51(4): 1-10.
  • 相关文章
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    • 地质因素层次结构

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