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  • Title

    Optimization of Srp/HAP for removal of fluoride,iron and manganese fromgroundwater in mining area by response surface methodology

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Xilin;YANG Wenwen;ZHOU Tianran;WANG Wenju;LIU Ling;ZHANG Long;GAO Jiajia;LIU Siyuan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要
    为了解决矿区地下水中 F−、Fe2+、Mn2+严重超标问题,采用湿法化学共沉淀法制备了蛇纹石负载羟基磷灰石 (Srp/HAP) 复合吸附剂,对地下水中氟、铁和锰进行同步去除研究。通过间歇试验和CCD(中心复合)响应优化试验,探究投加量、反应时间、pH 值对F−、Fe2+、Mn2+去除效果的影响,建立以F−、Fe2+和 Mn2+去除率为响应值的二次回归模型。对 Srp/HAP 进行了吸附再生试验,探究其可重复利用性。结果表明, Srp/HAP 处理 F−、Fe2+、Mn2+质量浓度分别为 5 mg/L、20 mg/L 和 5 mg/L 复合水样的最佳反应条件为:投加量为 3.64 g/L,反应时间为 120.47 min,pH=6.3,对应 F−、Fe2+、Mn2+的去除率分别为 98.23%、99.9%、99.7%,出水达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749—2006)要求。CCD 优化试验模型可以较好地拟合 Srp/HAP 对 F−、Fe2+和 Mn2+的吸附过程。预测值与试验值的绝对误差均低于 5%,证实试验模型可靠。Srp/HAP 复合颗粒经 5 次再生后,对 F−、Fe2+、Mn2+的去除率分别降低 16.13%、10.5%、15.4%,小于 20%,可作为处理含氟、铁、锰离子地下水的优良吸附剂。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the serious problems of F−、Fe2+ and Mn2+ in underground water of mining area, the serpentine loaded hydroxyapatite (Srp/HAP) composite adsorbent was prepared by wet chemical coprecipitation method, and the simultaneous removal of fluorine,iron and manganese in underground water was studied. Through batch experiment and CCD response optimization experiment, the effectsof dosage, reaction time and pH on the removal efficiency of F−、Fe2+ and Mn2+ were investigated, and a quadratic regression model withthe removal rates of F−、Fe2+ and Mn2+ as response values was established. Srp/HAP adsorption and regeneration experiments were carried out to explore its reusability. The results show that the optimal reaction conditions of Srp/HAP treatment of complex water sampleswith mass concentrations of F−、Fe2+ and Mn2+ of 5 mg/L, 20 mg/L and 5 mg/L respectively are as follows: When 3.64 g/L water samplewas added, the reaction time was 120.47 min and the pH value was 6.3, the corresponding removal rates of F−、Fe2+ and Mn2+ were98.23%, 99.9% and 99.7% respectively. The effluent shall meet the requirements of the 《 Standards for drinking water quality》(GB5749—2006).The adsorption process of F−、Fe2+ and Mn2+ by Srp/HAP was well fitted by the CCD optimized experimental model.The absolute error between the predicted value and the experimental value is less than 5%, which proves that the experimental model is reliable. After five times of regeneration, the removal rates of F−、Fe2+ and Mn2+ by Srp/HAP composite particles decreased by 16.13%,10.5% and 15.4%, respectively, less than 20%. Srp/HAP composite particles can be used as an excellent adsorbent for the treatment ofgroundwater containing fluoride, iron and manganese ions.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining ground water; mine water treatment; fluoride; mron; manganese; serpentine; hydroxyapatite; response surfacemethod

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李喜林, 杨雯雯, 周天然, 等. 响应曲面法优化蛇纹石负载羟基磷灰石去除矿区地下水氟铁锰研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023, 51(4): 231-238.
  • Citation
    LI Xilin, YANG Wenwen, ZHOU Tianran. Optimization of Srp/HAP for removal of fluoride,iron and manganese from groundwater inmining area by response surface methodology[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2023, 51(4): 231-238.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 反应条件对Srp/HAP吸附水中F−、Fe2+、Mn2+的效果影响

    图(5) / 表(0)


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