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  • Title

    Experimental study on treatment of Fe2+ and Mn2+ in AMD with lignite combinedwith Pseudomonas aeruginosa immobilized SRB particles

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Jian;DI Junzhen;JIANG Guoliang;DONG Yanrong;WANG Xianjun;YANG Yu;ZHOU Xinhua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Civil Engineering, Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要
    针对硫酸盐还原菌(Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria, SRB)易受高浓度重金属、低 pH 抑制,以及需要投加碳源材料等问题,采用微生物固定化技术,以 SRB、球红假单胞菌和褐煤作为主要固定基质,制备褐煤协同球红假单胞菌固定 SRB 颗粒(L-P-SRB),探究 L-P-SRB 对酸性矿山废水(Acid MineDrainage, AMD)中含 Fe2+、Mn2+和 SO4 2−的去除效果。基于还原动力学及吸附动力学结合扫描电镜 (SEM)和傅里叶红外光谱仪(FT-IR)等手段,揭示 L-P-SRB 处理 AMD 的机理。同时,探究了低温处理 L-P-SRB 对 AMD 的修复效果,为低温条件下矿区处理 AMD 提供一定的依据。结果表明:L-P-SRB 对 Fe2+和 Mn2+的去除率分别为 91% 和 79%,吸附 Fe2+和 Mn2+的过程均符合拟一级动力学;对SO4 2−的去除率分别达到了 91.28% 和 81.94%,还原 SO4 2−的过程符合一级动力学。与 Fe2+相比,Mn2+对 L-P-SRB 活性有一定的抑制作用。L-P-SRB 能将废水中的 Fe2+、Mn2+和 SO4 2−一次性去除,很好的解决了褐煤只能单纯吸附重金属离子和 SRB 需要投加碳源的问题。低温冷藏处理不会抑制 L-P-SRB的活性,为一次制备多次使用提供了依据。由 SEM 和 FT-IR 检测可得,L-P-SRB 在处理废水的过程中,球红假单胞菌优先发挥作用,破坏褐煤的结构,部分官能团被破坏,褐煤中的 C—C、C=O 以及环烃、烷烃、烯烃的侧链断裂,产生大量小分子有机物,增大了颗粒的比表面积,提高了颗粒的吸附能力。同时褐煤为 SRB 还原 SO4 2−提供了载体和大量的碳源,促进了 SRB 的生长,提高了对AMD 的处理效果。
  • Abstract
    Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB) are easily inhibited by high concentrations of heavy metals, low pH as well as the need to addcarbon source materials, the microbial immobilization technology was adopted, with SRB, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and lignite as the mainimmobilization substrates, to prepare lignite and Pseudomonas aeruginosa immobilized SRB particles (L-P-SRB) and the removal effect ofL-P-SRB on Fe2+, Mn2+ and SO4 2− in acid mine wastewater (AMD) was investigated. Based on the reduction kinetics and adsorption kinetics, the mechanism of AMD treatment by L-P-SRB was revealed by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and the mechanism of L-P-SRB treating AMD was revealed. At the same time, the repair effect of low temperature treatment of L-P-SRB on AMD is explored, which provides a certain basis for the treatment of AMD in mining areas under thecondition of low temperature. The results show that the removal rates of Fe2+ and Mn2+ by L-P-SRB are 91% and 79% respectively, andthe process of adsorption of Fe2+ and Mn2+ conforms to the pseudo-first-order kinetics; the removal rate of SO4 2− reaches 91.28% and81.94% respectively, and the process of reducing SO4 2− is in accordance with the first-order kinetics. Compared with Fe2+, Mn2+ has a certain inhibitory effect on the activity of L-P-SRB. L-P-SRB can remove Fe2+, Mn2+ and SO4 2− in wastewater at one time, which well solvesthe problem that lignite can only adsorb heavy metal ions and SRB needs to add carbon source. Low temperature cold storage treatmentwill not inhibit the activity of L-P-SRB, which provides a basis for one-time preparation and multiple use. According to the detection ofSEM and FT-IR, pseudomonas aeruginosa plays a priority role in the treatment of wastewater by L-P-SRB, destroying the structure of lignite, destroying some functional groups, breaking the C—C bond, C=O bond and side chain of cycloalkanes, alkanes and olefins in lignite, producing a large number of small molecule organic substances, increasing the specific surface area of particles, and improving theadsorption capacity of particles. At the same time, lignite provides a carrier and a large number of carbon sources for the reduction of SO4 2−by SRB, which promotes the growth of SRB and improves the treatment effect of AMD.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lignite; acid mine wastewater; sulfate reducing bacteria; pseudomonas aeruginosa; immobilization technology

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张健, 狄军贞, 姜国亮, 等. 褐煤协同球红假单胞菌固定SRB颗粒处理AMD中Fe2+、Mn2+试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023, 51(4): 246-253.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Jian, DI Junzhen, JIANG Guoliang. Experimental study on treatment of Fe2+ and Mn2+ in AMD with lignite combined withPseudomonas aeruginosa immobilized SRB particles[J]. Coal Science and Technology, 2023, 51(4): 246-253.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 1号、2号废水中pH和ORP的变化情况

    图(11) / 表(0)


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