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  • Title

    Analysis of fracture mode transformation mechanism and mechanical model of rock strata with different thicknesses

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZUO Jianping;YU Meilu;SUN Yunjiang;WU Genshui

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing
    State Key Laboratory of CoalResources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining & Technology−Beijing
  • 摘要

    采动岩层的变形、破断、运动模式与采场矿压显现、地表沉陷等密切相关。薄岩层与厚岩层的破断模式又呈现出显著的差异,如何将不同厚度岩层的破断模式统一描述并建立力学模型是岩层移动理论难题。统计了23 个典型工作面采动岩层破断结构,基于断裂力学理论对岩层的破断力学因素及运动模式进行了分类,详细分析了其与岩层厚度之间的关系。基于中厚板理论建立了不同厚度岩层破断力学模型,揭示了不同厚度岩层的破断力学机理及破断模式,并给出了相应的判据。结合数值模拟分析了不同厚度岩层在开采过程中的变形、破断和运动规律。研究表明,不同的应力边界条件作用在不同厚度的岩层上面,再加上开采条件的不同,岩层会出现不同的破断模式。随着岩层厚度的增加,岩层所受剪力不断增大,岩层的破断力学机理呈现出拉破断、拉剪破断及剪破断的演化规律;其相应的岩块结构则分别表现为砌体梁结构、分层破断以及台阶岩梁;统计数据表明岩块厚跨比大于0.5 的岩层更易发生剪切破断而形成台阶岩梁。基于上述统计和分析,针对厚岩层可能发生的拉剪破断问题,提出混合破断模式的概念,将岩层破断力学因素细化为拉破断、拉剪破断及剪切破断3 种;将不同厚度岩层的破断模式分为薄岩层常见的拉破断及遇断层引起的剪破断,厚岩层出现的拉破断、拉剪破断及剪切破断,其中拉剪混合破断分为端部拉剪混合破断、分层联动运动及分层非协调运动等7 类破断模式。对岩层破断模式的进一步研究可为采场矿压控制及地表沉陷灾害的防治提供有益的理论支持。

  • Abstract
    The deformation, fracture, and movement mode of rock strata are greatly related to underground pressure, surfacesubsidence, etc. The fracture modes of the thin rock stratum and thick rock stratum are significantly different. How touniformly describe the fracture modes of rock strata with different thicknesses and establish a mechanical model is a difficulttheoretical problem in rock movement. In this paper, the fracture structures of mining strata in 23 typical working faces are investigated. In addition, the fracture mechanical factors and movement modes of the rock stratum are classifiedbased on fracture mechanics, and the relationship between fracture structure and rock stratum thickness is analyzed. Basedon the medium-thick plate theory, the fracture mechanical model of rock strata with different thicknesses is established.The fracture mechanical mechanism and fracture mode of rock strata with different thicknesses are revealed, and the correspondingcriteria are given. The breakage and movement laws of rock strata with different thicknesses and fracturemodes in the mining process are analyzed by numerical simulation. The research shows that when different mining conditionsand different stress boundary conditions act on rock strata with different thicknesses, different fracture modes willoccur. With the increase of the rock strata thickness, the shear stress of rock strata increases continuously, and the fracturemechanical mechanism of rock stratum presents the evolution law of tensile fracture, tensile shear fracture, and shear fracture.Also, the corresponding rock mass structures are masonry beam structure, layered fracture, and step voussoir beamrespectively. Moreover, the statistical data show that the rock layers with a thickness span ratio greater than 0.5 are moreprone to occur shear fractures and form step voussoir beams. Based on the above analysis, a mixed fracture model is proposedaiming at the possible tension shear failure of thick rock strata, and the rock fracture mechanical factors are furthersubdivided into three types: tensile fracture, tensile shear fracture, and shear fracture. There are seven types of fracturemodes in rock strata in total. Tensile fracture often occurs in a thin layer, which will change to a shear fracture when thefault appears. Tensile fracture, tensile shear fracture, and shear fracture are typically fracture modes in a thick layer, inwhich tensile shear mixed fracture is divided into end tensile shear mixed fracture, layered linkage movement, and layereduncoordinated movement. Further research on the fracture modes of rock strata can provide valuable theoretical supportfor the control of ground pressure and the prevention of surface subsidence hazards in mining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thick plate theory;thick rock strata;strata movement;the conversion of tensile to shear;the mixed fracture

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    左建平,于美鲁,孙运江,等. 不同厚度岩层破断模式转变机理及力学模型分析[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(4):1449−1463.
    ZUO Jianping, YU Meilu, SUN Yunjiang, et al. Analysis of fracture mode transformation mechanism and mechanical model of rock strata with different thicknesses[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2023, 48( 4):1449−1463.
  • Citation
    ZUO Jianping,YU Meilu,SUN Yunjiang,et al. Analysis of fracture mode transformation mechanism and mechanical model of rock strata with different thicknesses[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(4):1449−1463
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 岩块结构与厚跨比的关系

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