• 全部
  • Title

    Emission and control of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incinerationpower plants

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Shuai;HU Hongyun;HUANG Yongda;XU Sihua;ZHU Jingjing;GUO Guangzhao;GONG Lifang;YAO Hong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    Grandblue (Foshan) Green Electricity Solid Waste Management Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    城市生活垃圾产量不断增长,使得垃圾焚烧电厂已成为我国主要的重金属排放源之一。 针对垃圾焚烧造成的重金属污染危害问题,本文总结了我国垃圾焚烧电厂重金属的排放现状,概述了国内外关于垃圾焚烧电厂重金属的控制标准,指出垃圾产量持续增加的形势下重金属的排放与控制不容忽视;并从重金属的释放行为、形态转化及产物中质量分布三方面阐明了焚烧过程中重金属的迁移转化规律,分析了重金属释放的影响因素和形态转化的反应机理,介绍了掺烧其他有机固废对重金属迁移、分布特性的影响;最后总结了垃圾焚烧电厂重金属的控制技术,详细介绍了吸附剂、烟气净化装置和飞灰处理处置方法对重金属的控制效果,论述了强化烟气净化装置协同脱除能力以及开发可抗酸性气体的高效吸附剂的重要性,且固化稳定化后飞灰中重金属的浸出风险值得进一步关注。
  • Abstract
    With the increasing production of municipal solid waste (MSW), MSW incineration powerplants have become one of the main emission sources for heavy metals in China. Aiming at addressingthe pollution problem of heavy metals caused by MSW incineration, this paper summarizes the emissionstatus of MSW incineration power plants in China, overviews control standards of heavy metals at homeand abroad, and points out that the emission and control of heavy metals should not be ignored underthe continuous increasing production of MSW. Besides, the migration and transformation behavior ofheavy metals during MSW incineration is summarized from three aspects: volatilization behavior, speci⁃ation transformation, and mass distribution in incineration products. The influencing factors of volatili⁃zation and reaction mechanism of speciation transformation are analyzed. The effects on migration anddistribution of heavy metals when co-incineration with other organic solid wastes are also introduced.Finally, the control technologies of heavy metals in MSW incineration plants are summarized. Mean⁃while, the removal effects of adsorbents, air pollution control devices and fly ash treatment methods onheavy metals are introduced in detail. It is of great importance to strengthening the synergistic removalcapacity of air pollution control devices ( APCDs) and developing high efficiency adsorbents whichcould resist acid gas. Moreover, the leaching risk of heavy metals should be paid more attention in flyash after solidification and stabilization.
  • 关键词

    垃圾焚烧电厂 重金属 排放特性 迁移转化规律 控制技术

  • KeyWords

    MSW incineration power plants; Heavy metals; Emission characteristics; Migration andtransformation behavior; Control technologies

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 前 言
    1 垃圾焚烧电厂重金属的排放现状与控制标准
    2 垃圾焚烧过程中重金属的迁移转化特性
    2.1 重金属的挥发释放行为
    2.2 焚烧过程中重金属的形态转化规律
    2.3 重金属在焚烧产物中的质量分布特征
    2.4 掺烧其它固废过程中重金属的迁移分布特性
    3 重金属的控制技术
    3.1 垃圾分类
    3.2 吸附剂
    3.3 烟气净化设备
    3.4 飞灰中重金属的控制技术
    3.4.1 固化/稳定化处理
    3.4.2 热处理
    3.4.3 协同处置
    4 总结与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李帅, 胡红云, 黄永达, 等. 垃圾焚烧电厂重金属排放与控制[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(3): 36-49.
  • Citation
    LI Shuai, HU Hongyun, HUANG Yongda, et al. Emission and control of heavy metals in municipal solid wasteincineration power plants[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 36-49.
  • 相关专题

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