• 全部
  • Title

    Main factors influencing the electro-methanation of CO2 in microbialelectrolytic cells and the role of electron intermediates

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHEN Guangyin;;WANG Na;WANG Jiayi;LU Xueqin;QIU Boran

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization Ecological Processes and Ecological Restoration, College of Ecologyand Environmental Science, East China Normal University
    Shanghai Organic SolidWaste Bioconversion Engineering Technology Research Center
    Shanghai Instituteof Pollution Control and Ecological Safety
    Technology Innovation Center for LandSpatial Eco-restoration in Metropolitan Area, Ministry of Natural Resources
    Chongming Ecological Research Institute
  • 摘要
    化石燃料燃烧排放的温室气体,导致了全球生态环境恶化与能源危机。 因此,探索二氧化碳(CO2)的转化、再利用和清洁能源生产的新技术迫在眉睫。 与传统 CO2转化为高值产物的技术相比,利用微生物电解池(Microbial Electrolysis Cell,MEC)将 CO2转化为低碳能源甲烷(CH4)具有反应条件温和、催化剂可回收利用、产物绿色环保等优点,受到了研究者们的广泛关注。 本文综述了 CO2的捕获与高值资源利用的研究现状,并对 MEC-CO2电甲烷化的主要影响因素(如接种物来源、反应器构型、外加电压、电极材料特性等)展开阐述,简要概述了电子穿梭体,特别是核黄素在 MEC-CO2电甲烷化中扮演的重要角色及其在电产甲烷菌的生物膜成膜过程中的关键作用,点明现阶段 MEC-CO2电甲烷化的技术瓶颈及未来研究的技术突破要点,为 MEC-CO2高效电甲烷化的发展及“双碳计划”的实现提供理论支持。
  • Abstract
    Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion have led to global ecologicaldegradation and energy crisis. Therefore, it is urgent to explore new technologies for the conversion, re⁃use and clean energy production of carbon dioxide (CO2). Compared with the conventional technologyof converting CO2 into high-value products, the conversion of CO2 into methane (CH4), a low-carbonenergy source, using microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) has the advantages of mild reaction conditions,recyclable catalysts and green products, and has received a lot of attention from researchers. This paperreviews the current research status of CO2 capture and high-value resource utilization, and discussesthe main influencing factors of MEC-CO2 electromethanation (such as inoculum source, reactor config⁃uration, applied voltage, electrode material properties, etc.), briefly outlines the important role of e⁃lectron shuttles, especially riboflavin, in MEC - CO2 electromethanation and the biofilm formationprocess of electric methanogenic bacteria, points out the current technical bottleneck and futureresearch direction of MEC-CO2 electromethanation, and finally provides theoretical support for the de⁃velopment of MEC-CO2 electromethanation and the realization of " dual carbon" goal.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Microbial electrolytic cell; CO2 electromethanation; Influencing factors; Electron shuttles

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(51808226);上海市“科技创新行动计划” 国际合作项目(21230714000);上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)计划项目(TP2017041);上海有机固废生物转化工程技术研究中心开放课题(19DZ2254400)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 CO2的捕获与高值资源利用
    2 影响MEC进行CO2电甲烷化的基本因素
    2.1 接种物来源
    2.2 反应器构型
    2.3 外加电压
    2.4 电极材料特性
    3 电子穿梭体在MEC电甲烷化中的重要角色
    3.1 电子穿梭体的分类
    3.2 核黄素在胞外电子传递中的作用
    3.3 核黄素在生物膜形成过程中的作用
    4 结语与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    甄广印, 王娜, 王佳懿, 等. 微生物电解池 CO2电甲烷化的影响因素及电子中介体角色探究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(3): 136-143.
  • Citation
    ZHEN Guangyin, WANG Na, WANG Jiayi, et al. Main factors influencing the electro-methanation of CO2 in mi⁃crobial electrolytic cells and the role of electron intermediates[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 136-143.
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