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  • Title

    Research progress of constructed wetlands coupled with microbial fuel cellsfor the treatment of heavy metal wastewater

  • 作者


  • Author

    DING Guoqing;WANG Xiao;WU You;NAN Jing;SONG Hailiang;YANG Yuli

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Environment, Nanjing Normal University
  • 摘要
    人工湿地耦合微生物燃料电池(CW-MFC)是一项将人工湿地技术(CW)与微生物燃料电池(MFC)相结合的新型技术,克服了 MFC 无法自成体系的缺点,可以在处理各类型废水的同时产生电能,具有广阔的应用前景和研究意义。 近年来,国内外关于 CW-MFC 处理染料废水、含盐废水、农药废水、有机化合物废水及含抗生素废水等内容开展了大量研究并取得了重要的研究进展,但在重金属废水处理上的研究内容较少且深度较浅。 因此,基于现目前已有的研究,从产电性能和污染物去除效果两方面,总结归纳了 CW-MFC 去除铬、砷、锌、镍、铅等重金属的研究现状,并从基质、电化学、微生物及植物等方面阐明了 CW-MFC 中重金属的去除机理。 通过研究现状及去除机理发现, CW-MFC 对含高价态重金属废水(如 Cr(VI))的去除效果及产电性能更好,这可能归因于高价态重金属所具有的强氧化性,增大了 CW-MFC 的氧化还原梯度,促进了系统产电、提高了电化学作用去除的效率。 最后探讨了该技术面临的挑战并进行了展望,以期为 CW-MFC 技术的发展提供理论依据。
  • Abstract
    Constructed wetland coupled with microbial fuel cell (CW-MFC) is a new technology thatcombines constructed wetland technology (CW) and microbial fuel cell (MFC). It overcomes the dis⁃advantage that MFC cannot be self-contained, and can generate electric energy while treating varioustypes of wastewater. It has broad application prospect and research significance. In recent years, a largenumber of studies have been carried out on the treatment of dye wastewater, salt - containingwastewater, pesticide wastewater, organic compounds wastewater and antibiotic-containing wastewaterby CW-MFC, and important research progress has been made. However, the research content on thetreatment of heavy metal wastewater by CW-MFC is limited. Therefore, based on the existing research,the research status of CW-MFC in removing heavy metals such as chromium, arsenic, zinc, nickel andlead was summarized from the aspects of electricity production and pollutant removal effect. Theremoval mechanism of heavy metals in CW-MFC was also expounded from the aspects of matrix, elec⁃trochemistry, microorganisms and plants. According to the research status and removal mechanism, it isfound that the removal effect and electricity generation performance of CW-MFC on wastewater contai⁃ning high-valence heavy metals (such as Cr (VI)) are better. The improved performance should beattributed to the strong oxidation property of high-valence heavy metals, which increases the redox gra⁃dient of CW-MFC, promotes the electricity generation of the system and improves the efficiency ofelectrochemical removal. Finally, the challenges and prospects of CW-MFC technology are discussed inorder to provide a theoretical basis for its development.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Constructed wetland; Microbial fuel cell; CW-MFC; Electrochemistry; Heavy metals;Sewage-treatment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 CW-MFC概述及处理废水优势
    2 CW-MFC处理重金属研究现状
    2.1 高价态金属离子
    2.1.1 铬
    2.1.2 砷
    2.2 低价态金属离子
    2.2.1 锌
    2.2.2 镍
    2.2.3 铅
    3 CW-MFC去除重金属的机理
    3.1 基质作用
    3.2 电化学作用
    3.2.1 电还原作用
    3.2.2 电沉积作用
    3.2.3 电吸附作用
    3.3 微生物作用
    3.3.1 微生物吸附作用
    3.3.2 微生物还原及沉淀作用
    3.4 植物作用
    3.4.1 植物根系分泌物作用
    3.4.2 植物根系泌氧作用
    3.4.3 植物富集作用
    4 结论与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    丁国庆, 王霄, 吴忧, 等. 人工湿地耦合微生物燃料电池处理重金属废水的研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(3): 144-154.
  • Citation
    DING Guoqing, WANG Xiao, WU You, et al. Research progress of constructed wetlands coupled with microbial fu⁃el cells for the treatment of heavy metal wastewater[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 144-154.
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