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  • Title

    Application of phase change cold storage technology in the low carbontransition of cold chain transportion

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHU Aochang;LI Chuanchang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Power Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    传统冷链运输的高能耗和高排放被认为是实现物流运输行业碳达峰、碳中和的重大挑战。相变储冷技术作为近年来发展的新兴技术,有望极大降低制冷负荷、减少能源消耗和温室气体排放量。 本文比较传统冷链运输与相变储冷冷链运输的碳排放足迹,阐明了相变储冷技术在冷链运输低碳转型中的应用潜力,分析了不同种类冷链运输所需的储冷技术要求。 相变储冷技术关键在于相变储冷材料的性能调控和封装技术,性能调控重点是调节相变温度满足不同货物的冷藏要求,而封装技术则重点解决相变材料的泄漏问题并增强其导热能力。 相变储冷技术与冷链运输的集成方式多样:与冷藏车的围护结构相结合,制成共晶板置于厢体内部,与传统制冷单元相集成亦或是制成被动式冷却冷链运输箱。 相变储冷冷链运输今后研究的重点是研制高性能相变储冷材料,同时实现冷链运输过程的多温区调控与智能化。

  • Abstract

    The high energy consumption and high emissions of traditional cold chain transportation areconsidered to be a major challenge to achieving ′carbon peaking′ and ′carbon neutrality′ in the logisticsand transportation industry. As an emerging technology developed in recent years, phase change coldstorage technology is expected to greatly reduce refrigeration load, energy consumption, and greenhousegas emissions. This paper compares the carbon footprint of traditional cold chain transportation with thatof cold chain transportation loaded with phase change cold storage technology, clarifies the applicationpotential of phase change cold storage technology in the low carbon transformation of cold chain trans⁃portation, and analyzes the cold storage technology requirements for different types of cold chain trans⁃portation. The key of phase change cold storage technology is the performance regulation of phasechange cold storage materials and encapsulation technology. The performance regulation focuses on ad⁃justing the phase change temperature to meet the cold storage requirements of different cargoes, whilethe encapsulation technology focuses on solving the leakage problem of phase change materials and en⁃hancing their thermal conductivity. Phase change cold storage technology and cold chain transport inte⁃gration in a variety of ways, can: with the combination of refrigerated vehicle enclosure structure; madeof eutectic plate placed inside the box, and traditional refrigeration unit integration or made of passivecooling cold chain transport box. The focus of future research on phase change cold chain transport is todevelop high-performance phase change cold storage materials and to realize multi-temperature controland intelligence of the cold chain transport process.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Phase change cold storage; Cold chain transportation; Low carbon transition; Phasechange materials

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引 言
    1 冷链运输
    1.1 冷链运输环节及主要碳排放环节
    1.2 冷链运输种类
    1.2.1 食品冷链运输
    1.2.2 医用冷链运输
    2 相变储冷技术
    2.1 相变储冷材料
    2.2 相变储冷核心技术
    2.2.1 性能调控
    2.2.2 封装技术
    3 相变储冷技术与冷链运输的集成应用
    3.1 相变材料与冷藏车围护结构集成
    3.2 共晶板
    3.3 相变材料与制冷单元集成
    3.4 被动式冷却冷链运输箱
    4 结论与展望

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    朱傲常, 李传常. 相变储冷技术在冷链运输低碳转型中的应用 [ J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37( 3):185-194.
  • Citation
    ZHU Aochang, LI Chuanchang. Application of phase change cold storage technology in the low carbon transition ofcold chain transportion[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 185-194.
  • 相关专题

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