• 全部
  • Title

    Research status of amine aerosol formation and emission in aminecarbon capture process

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Zhengda;;XIAN Zhennan;SHAO Lingyu;ZHENG Chenghang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum (East China)
    State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University
  • 摘要
    燃烧后胺法吸收 CO2极具规模化碳捕集和工业化推广潜力,但在高效吸收 CO2的同时,部分吸收剂会以气溶胶的形式随烟气离开碳捕集系统,不仅导致设备异常运行还会引发环境污染问题,因此胺气溶胶排放控制已成为胺法碳捕集工业化推广亟待解决的新问题。 然而,胺法碳捕集技术目前仍处于示范阶段,尽管国内外已开始关注胺气溶胶排放控制,但胺气溶胶形成和演变是一个受吸收参数和烟气组分等多因素影响的复杂过程,实际胺气溶胶排放的数据差异较大,为发展高效低成本控制技术及制定排放限值提出了挑战。 论文介绍了异质核在胺气溶胶非均相成核中的诱导作用,总结了胺气溶胶浓度和粒径测试的主要手段,对比了不同研究机构实测的胺气溶胶排放数据,明确了异质核条件下胺气溶胶粒径分布的特征,分析了烟气异质核、CO2浓度、贫液温度、溶剂负荷等参数对胺气溶胶形成和排放的影响,最后对凝聚预处理、塔内调控和高效末端控制等三类胺排放控制技术的优缺点和适用条件进行了总结。 未来胺法碳捕集系统胺气溶胶的排放控制应融入燃煤烟气末端减污降碳的全过程,从减少胺气溶胶的形成再到促进胺气溶胶的凝聚长大,最后实现多污染物的协同控制。
  • Abstract
    Post-combustion CO2 absorption by amine has great potential for large-scale carbon captureand industrial promotion. However, in the process of efficiently absorbing CO2, part of the absorberswill leave the carbon capture system in the form of aerosol along with the flue gas, which will not onlylead to abnormal operation of the equipment but also cause environmental pollution. Therefore, the e⁃mission control of amine aerosol has become a new issue to be solved urgently in the industrial promo⁃tion of amine carbon capture. However, the amine carbon capture is still in the demonstration stage. Al⁃though attention has been paid to the emission control of amine aerosols at home and abroad, the forma⁃tion and evolution of amine aerosols is a complex process affected by many factors such as absorptionparameters and flue gas components. The actual emission of amine aerosols is quite different, which po⁃ses a challenge for the development of efficient and low-cost control technology and the establishment ofemission limits. This paper introduces the significance of heterogeneous nuclei in heterogeneous nuclea⁃tion of amine aerosols. The test methods of amine aerosol concentration and size are summarized. The e⁃mission of amine aerosols measured by different research institutions are compared. The size distributioncharacteristics of amine aerosols under different heterogeneous nuclei are determined. The effects of het⁃erogeneous nuclei, CO2 concentration, lean liquid temperature and solvent load on the formation and e⁃mission of amine aerosols are analyzed. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of three types of a⁃mine emission control technologies, such as condensation pretreatment, in - tower regulation andefficient tail control, are summarized. In the future, the emission control of amine aerosols in aminecarbon capture system should be integrated into the whole process of pollution reduction and carbon re⁃duction, from reducing the formation of amine aerosols to promoting the aggregation and growth ofamine aerosols, and finally realizes the collaborative control of multiple pollutants.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Amine carbon capture; Organic amine; Amine aerosol; Simultaneous control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 气溶胶成核与长大机理
    1.1 胺气溶成核机理
    1.2 胺气溶长大机理
    2 胺气溶胶测试与排放特征
    2.1 胺气溶胶测试方法
    2.2 胺气溶胶排放特征
    3 胺气溶胶形成及长大的影响因素
    3.1 烟气颗粒
    3.2 烟气CO2浓度
    3.3 贫液温度
    3.4 溶剂负荷
    3.5 吸收剂类型
    4 胺气溶胶控制技术
    4.1 凝聚预处理技术
    4.2 塔内调控技术
    4.3 高效末端控制技术
    5 结 论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨正大, 贤振楠, 邵凌宇, 等. 胺法碳捕集过程胺气溶胶形成与排放研究现状[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023,37(3): 195-203.
  • Citation
    YANG Zhengda, XIAN Zhennan, SHAO Lingyu, et al. Research status of amine aerosol formation and emissionin amine carbon capture process[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 195-203.
  • 相关专题

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