• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on emission inventory of anthropogenic air pollutants in China

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Haoyu;GAO Yanshan;;WANG Qiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Key Lab for Source Control Technology of Water Pollution, College of EnvironmentalScience and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University
    Engineering ResearchCenter for Water Pollution Source Control & Eco-remediation, College of Environmental Science andEngineering, Beijing Forestry University
  • 摘要
    大气污染物排放清单不仅能够提供大气污染物排放源的基本信息,助力大气污染防治决策的制定,还能为空气质量模式模拟提供基础数据。 排放清单的准确性会极大程度上影响大气污染治理决策的有效性及模型建模的准确性,因此一份准确的大气污染物排放清单在大气污染防控工作中至关重要。 本文总结了我国人为源大气污染物排放清单的研究现状,包括大气污染物排放清单编制方法、不同尺度排放清单研究现状以及排放清单评估方法三个方面,同时提出我国排放清单研究中存在的问题。 在此基础上,结合我国当前“减污降碳” 防治需求,分别从大气污染物排放清单与温室气体排放清单相结合,制定统一的减污降碳政策、建立即时更新的排放因子库、统一规范排放清单编制体系、统一各地精细化排放清单以及构建更精准的国家大气污染物排放清单等方面对我国人为源大气污染物排放清单的研究方向进行了展望。
  • Abstract
    The air pollutant emission inventory can not only provide the basic information of air pollu⁃tant emission sources to facilitate the decision-making of air pollution prevention and control, but alsoprovide essential data for air quality model simulation. The accuracy of emission inventory greatly affectsthe effectiveness of air pollution control decisions and the accuracy of model modeling, and therefore anaccurate air pollutant emission inventory is very important to the prevention and control of air pollution.This paper summarizes the research status of the emission inventory of anthropogenic air pollutants inChina, including the compilation method of anthropogenic air pollutants emission inventory, the re⁃search status of emission inventory at different scales and emission inventory assessment method, and atthe same time puts forward the problems existing in the study of emission list. Based on the above infor⁃mation, combined with the current control needs of " reduction of pollution and carbon emissions" , thispaper looks forward to the research direction of the emission inventory of anthropogenic air pollutants inChina, such as combining the air pollutant emission inventory with the greenhouse gas emission inven⁃tory, formulating a unified policy for reducing pollution and carbon, establishing a real-time updatedemission factor library, standardizing the preparation system of emission inventory, and building a moreaccurate national air pollutant emission inventory by integrating the refined emission inventory of variousregions, etc.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Anthropogenic sources; Air pollutants; Emission inventory; Emission factory; Uncertainty

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    细颗粒物和臭氧污染协同防控“一市一策”驻点跟踪项目(DQGG202126); 国家自然科学基金项目(52270099)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 清单方法学研究进展
    1.1 排放清单编制方法
    1.2 时空分配
    2 我国排放清单研究进展
    2.1 区域尺度
    2.2 城市尺度
    3 排放清单评估方法
    3.1 不确定性分析
    3.2 模型校验
    3.3 卫星反演
    4 展 望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    黄浩瑜, 高艳珊, 王强. 我国人为源大气污染物排放清单研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(3):204-216.
  • Citation
    HUANG Haoyu, GAO Yanshan, WANG Qiang. Research progress on emission inventory of anthropogenic air pol⁃lutants in China[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 204-216.

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