• 全部
  • Title

    Research on Segment Coal Pillar Width Based on Rock Burst Prevention in Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia Deep Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Bo;FENG Guorui;JIANG Fuxing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mining Engineering
    Key Laboratory of Shanxi Province for Mine Rock Strata Controland Disaster Prevention
    School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • 摘要

    以陕蒙深部矿区纳林河二号井双巷快速掘进条件下首个临空工作面开采为背景,采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场监测等方法,研究了不同宽度区段煤柱应力分布规律,揭示了宽区段煤柱应力叠加诱冲机理,并在此基础上指出下阶段基于防冲的窄区段煤柱宽度设计方法。研究结果表明: 宽区段煤柱受采空区侧向支承压力、走向支承压力和上覆厚硬岩层破断产生的动载应力等多个因素影响,当形成的叠加应力达到冲击发生的临界应力时,将使冲击显现;下阶段纳林河二号井留设区段煤柱宽度为5~7 m 较为合理。陕蒙深部矿区其他类似条件矿井可在此基础上积极探索窄煤柱留设方式,以期降低临空巷道发生冲击地压灾害的可能性。

  • Abstract

    On the basis of the first gob-side working face mining under the condition of rapidexcavation of double roadways in Nariin Gol No.2 coal mine of Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia deep miningareas, the stress distribution law of segment coal pillars with different widths was exploredthrough theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, and field monitoring, then the rock burstmechanism induced by the stress superposition of wide segment coal pillar was revealed, and finallythe design method of narrow segment coal pillar width based on rock burst prevention in thenext stage was put forward. The results show that the wide segment coal pillar was influenced bythe lateral abutment pressure, strike abutment pressure, and dynamic load stress caused by thefracture of overlying thick and hard rock strata. When the superimposed stress reaches the critical stress, rock burst would come out. In the next stage, the reasonable width of segment coalpillar in Nariin Gol No.2 coal mine should be 5~7 m. Other mines with similar conditions indeep mining areas of Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia can actively explore the design methods of narrowcoal pillars to reduce the rock burst disaster in gob-side entry.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep mining; gob-side; segment pillar; stress evolution; rock burst prevention


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