Study on preparation and performance of MDI-50 type polyurethane reinforcement material for mining
TANG Hong;WANG Yuchao;ZHANG Yu;CHEN Guifeng
聚氨酯注浆加固材料在煤矿井下使用过程中需保证其力学强度及降低材料注浆过程的反应温度, 因而针对添加阻燃剂和通过化学反应以改变材料结构的阻燃改性方法研究极其重要。为了有效提升聚氨酯加固材料力学性能和阻燃性能, 在聚氨酯加固材料B 组分中引入异氰酸酯和扩链剂预聚工艺, 有效合成MDI-TMP 加成物, 从而整体提高硬段交联程度。通过红外光谱、万能力学试验机和热重、凝胶渗透色谱研究预聚温度对MDI-50 型聚氨酯加固材料力学性能和阻燃性能的影响。研究结果表明: 最高反应温度、抗压强度和拉伸强度随预聚反应温度增加而升高,预聚温度为80 ℃时所制得的聚氨酯加固材料力学性能最佳; 极限氧指数主要由阻燃剂添加量决定, 预聚体的结构对其影响不大。MDI-50 型聚氨酯加固材料的反应速率可调, 反应温度上升平缓, 凝结后具有较高的力学性能, 可满足聚氨酯注浆材料在煤矿加固应用的要求。
The mechanical strength of polyurethane grouting reinforcement material should be guaranteed and the re⁃action temperature of material grouting should be reduced in the underground coal mine. Therefore, it is very impor⁃tant to study the flame retardant modification method of adding flame retardant agent and changing the material struc⁃ture by chemical reaction. In order to effectively improve the mechanical properties and flame retardant properties ofpolyurethane reinforced materials, the prepolymerization process of isocyanate and chain extender was introduced in⁃to component B of polyurethane reinforced materials to effectively synthesize the adduct of MDI - TMP, thusimproving the degree of hard section crosslinking. The effects of prepolymerization temperature on the mechanicalproperties and flame retardant performance of MDI-50 polyurethane reinforced materials were studied by infraredspectroscopy, universal mechanical testing machine, thermogravimetric and gel permeation chromatography. The re⁃sults shows that the maximum reaction temperature, compressive strength and tensile strength increase with the increase of prepolymerization temperature, and the mechanical properties of polyurethane reinforced materials are thebest when the prepolymerization temperature is 80 ℃. The limiting oxygen index is mainly determined by the amountof flame retardant, but the structure has little influence on it. MDI-50 polyurethane reinforcement material has ad⁃justable reaction rate, gentle rise of reaction temperature and high mechanical properties after setting, whichcan meet the requirements of polyurethane grouting material in coal mine reinforcement application .
聚氨酯加固材料 抗压强度 氧指数 预聚温度 力学性能 阻燃性能
polyurethane reinforcement material; compressive strength; LOI; prepolymerization temperature; me⁃ chanical properties; flame retardant property; addition amount of flame retardant
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会