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  • Title

    Experimental study on damage and seepage features of gas bearing sandstoneunder different impact velocities loading

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Dengke;DONG Bowen;WEI Jianping;ZHANG Liyuan;ZHANG Hongtu;CAO Tanggen;XIA Yuling

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 河南省瓦斯地质与瓦斯治理重点实验室—省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心四川芙蓉川南建设工程有限公司河南理工大学 计算机科学与技术学院

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control, Henan Polytechnic University
    School of Safety Sci-ence and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
    Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean High Effi-ciency Utilization
    Sichuan Furong Chuannan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
    School of ComputerScience and Technology, Henan Polytechnic University
  • 摘要
    为探究不同冲击载荷作用下含气砂岩冲击损伤特征和渗透性规律,利用含瓦斯煤岩冲击损伤−渗流试验系统和工业显微 CT 扫描系统,设计并开展了三轴预应力状态下不同冲击速度加载的动态压缩−原位渗流试验,重构了受冲击损伤砂岩的三维裂隙结构,对比分析了固−气耦合试样不同冲击速度加载下的动态应力−应变曲线特征、能量耗散规律、破坏损伤和渗透性演变特征。研究结果表明:含气砂岩的应变率随冲击速度的增加而增加,入射波能、反射波能、透射波能和吸收能也随之逐渐增大。含气砂岩的峰值应力和峰值应变也随冲击速度的提升而逐渐增大,且动态应力−应变曲线的压密阶段不断被压缩直至完全消失。三轴固−气耦合动态冲击条件下,含气砂岩的破坏形式以剪切破坏为主;随着冲击速度的递增,冲击载荷与气体压力联合作用下含气砂岩内部的张拉裂隙数量不断增加,新生裂隙相互连接促使了宏观贯通裂隙的形成;泊松比效应和偏心压缩作用使砂岩上分别形成了沿试样轴向方向延伸和垂直于轴向方向延伸 2 种张拉裂隙,2 种裂隙在试样外沿相互连通,呈现出网格状。含气砂岩的吸收能量直接决定了其损伤程度,吸收能量的不断增加,不仅加大了含气砂岩破坏后的损伤程度,也大幅提高了含气砂岩的渗透性;冲击受损破坏之后的含气砂岩渗透率与其裂隙率遵循线性正相关关系。
  • Abstract
    Using an impact damage-percolation experimental system for gas bearing coal or rock and an industrial CTscanning system, the authors design and carry out a series of dynamic compression-seepage tests for loading at differentimpact velocities under triaxial prestressed states and reconstruct the three-dimensional crevices structure of the impactdamaged sandstone in order to reveal the law of damage features and permeability of the gas bearing sandstone under different impact loads. The experimental results of dynamic stress-strain curve characteristics, energy dissipation laws, damage and permeability evolution features under different impact velocities loading of fluid-solid coupling sandstone samplesshow that as the impact loading velocity increases, the strain rate of the gas bearing sandstone increases. The incidentwave energy, reflection wave energy, transmission wave energy and absorption energy increase simultaneously as well.The peak stress and peak strain of gas bearing sandstone increase with the impact velocity as well, and the compactionstage in the dynamic stress-strain curve is constantly compressed until it disappears completely. The failure form of gasbearing sandstone is mainly shear failure under the condition of triaxial static and gas-solid coupling. With the increase ofimpact velocity, the number of tensile cracks under the combination of impact load and gas pressure increases continuously. Poisson's ratio effect and eccentric compression form two types of tensile cracks along the axial direction or perpendicular to the sample. The two types of tensile cracks are connected along the outer edge of the specimen, showing a gridshape. Nascent cracks are interconnected, which drives macroscopic through cracks formation. The absorption energy ofgas bearing sandstone directly determines the degree of damage. The increasing absorption energy not only increases thedamage degree of gas bearing sandstone after damage, but also greatly improves the permeability. The permeability of gasbearing sandstone after impact damage follows a linear positive correlation with its crack rate.
  • 关键词

    含气砂岩SHPB 固−气耦合动态损伤试验原位渗透率测试工业 CT 扫描裂隙扩展与重构

  • KeyWords

    gas bearing sandstone;gas-solid coupling dynamic damage SHPB test;in-situ permeability tests;industri-al CT scanning;cracks extension and remodeling

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王登科,董博文,魏建平,等. 不同冲击速度下含气砂岩损伤−渗流特性试验研究[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(5):2138−2152.
  • Citation
    WANG Dengke,DONG Bowen,WEI Jianping,et al. Experimental study on damage and seepage features ofgas bearing sandstone under different impact velocities loading[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(5):2138−2152.
  • 相关专题
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    • 含瓦斯煤岩冲击损伤−渗流实验系统

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