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  • Title

    Coal mine rock burst and coal and gas outburst perception alarm methodbased on thermal infrared image

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHENG Jijie;LIU Yi;LI Xiaowei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要

    针对目前冲击地压和煤与瓦斯突出致灾机理尚未完全明确,仍偶有发生,严重威胁着我国煤矿的安全生产,结合灾害发生时大量抛出煤岩有着不同于采掘工作面和巷道空间正常工况下的温度与速度特征,提出了一种基于热红外图像的煤矿冲击地压和煤与瓦斯突出感知报警方法:在煤矿井下巷道顶部、巷帮以及采掘工作面液压支架等位置多点布置红外热像仪,实时采集采掘工作面和巷道空间热红外视频图像;监测识别监视区域内物体温度是否处于设定的温度范围 (30 ℃≤T≤150 ℃);当掘进工作面、掘进巷道入口、掘进巷道中间、回采工作面、进风巷入口、进风巷中间、回风巷入口、回风巷中间、主运输大巷、辅助运输大巷等位置红外热像仪监测到物体温度处于设定温度范围时,监测识别处于设定温度范围物体的移动速度是否处于设定的速度范围 (v>13 m/s);当处于设定速度范围时,利用多点布置的甲烷传感器监测监视区域内环境甲烷体积分数是否迅速升高;当工作面、回风巷、进风巷、总回风巷等多个不同地点甲烷体积分数均大幅升高,则进行煤与瓦斯突出报警,反之,则进行冲击地压报警。提出了基于热红外图像的煤矿冲击地压和煤与瓦斯突出感知报警中,红外热像仪的最佳倾角确定方法,以及红外热像仪有前倾角度情况下监测温度异常物体移动速度的方法。根据宁夏双马煤矿实际掘进巷道情况,结合红外热像仪帧率 25 FPS,焦距 13 mm,并且沿巷道轴向方向的视场角为 21°,相对于竖直向下进行图像监视,该方法在保证测速效果的前提下得到的红外热像仪最佳倾角约为 58°,进行图像监视时监视范围增大了约 292%,在密集监视区域红外热像仪成本减少近 75%。为了更逼真的迎合灾害特征,简化实验复杂度与确保安全性,设计了一套灾害温度、速度特征模拟实验装置:采用直径 315 mm PVC 管模拟圆形巷道;采用颜色、密度相近的 10 mm 橡胶球替代破碎煤岩作为主要实验材料与主要识别目标;采用物理加热法 (热水浴) 使橡胶球温度达到灾害发生时的温度异常范围;采用高压鼓风机提供动力源,使橡胶球速度能够达到灾害发生时的速度异常范围。并利用红外热像仪来完成对整个模拟灾害过程的监视与热红外视频图像采集。对所提出的灾害感知报警方法进行了代码实现。模拟实验与结果分析表明,该方法识别效果良好,验证了基于热红外图像的煤矿冲击地压和煤与瓦斯突出感知报警方法的可行性与有效性。

  • Abstract

    According to the disaster mechanism of rock burst, and coal and gas outburst is not completely clear, and theystill occasionally occur, which seriously threatens the safety of coal mine production. Combined with the temperature andvelocity characteristics of a large number of coal rocks thrown out when disaster occurs, which are different from the normal working conditions of mining face and roadway space, a perception alarm method of coal mine rock burst, and coaland gas outburst based on thermal infrared image is proposed. First, the infrared thermal imager is placed on the top of theroadway, the roadway wall and the hydraulic support of the working face in the coal mine to collect the thermal infraredvideo images of the working face and the roadway space in real time. Second, the temperature of object in the monitoringarea is monitored and identified whether it is in the set temperature range (30 ℃≤T≤150 ℃). Third, when the temperature of the object is monitored by the infrared thermal imager at the end of excavation roadway, the entrance of excavationroadway, the middle of excavation roadway, mining face, the entrance of inlet air roadway, the middle of inlet air roadway, the entrance of return air roadway, the middle of return air roadway, the main transportation roadway, the auxiliarytransportation roadway and other locations, it can monitor and identify whether the moving speed of the object in the settemperature range is in the set speed range (v > 13 m/s). Fourth, when it is in the set speed range, the methane sensor isused to monitor whether the environmental methane concentration in the monitoring area rises rapidly in multiple locations. Fifth, when methane concentration increases significantly at different locations such as working face, return air roadway, inlet air roadway and total return air roadway, the alarm is set for coal and gas outburst, otherwise, the alarm is set forrock burst. A method to determine the best dip angle of infrared thermal imager in the coal mine rock burst, and coal andgas outburst sensing alarm based on thermal infrared image is proposed, and a method to monitor the moving speed oftemperature abnormal objects under the condition of forward tilt angle of infrared thermal imager is proposed. Accordingto the actual driving roadway of the Shuangma Coal Mine in Ningxia, combined with the frame rate of infrared thermalimager of 25 FPS, focal length of 13 mm, and the field angle of view along the axial direction of roadway of 21°, the optimal dip angle of infrared thermal imager obtained by this method is about 58° on the premise of ensuring the velocitymeasurement effect. During image monitoring, the monitoring range is increased by 292%, and the cost of infrared thermalimager in the intensive monitoring area is reduced by nearly 75%. In order to meet the disaster characteristics more realistically, simplify the complexity of the experiment and ensure the safety, a set of disaster temperature and velocity characteristics simulation experimental equipment is designed: a 315 mm PVC tube is used to simulate the circular roadway; the10 mm rubber ball with similar color and specific gravity is used to replace the crushed coal rock as the main experimental material and the main identification target. Physical heating method (hot water bath) is used to make the temperature ofrubber ball reach the abnormal range of temperature when the disaster occurs. The high pressure blower is used to providepower source, so that the speed of the rubber ball can reach the abnormal range of speed when the disaster occurs. The infrared thermal imager is used to monitor the whole simulated disaster process and capture the thermal infrared video image. The proposed disaster perception alarm method is coded. The results show that the recognition effect of this method isgood, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the detection and alarm method of coal burst, and coal and gas outburst basedon thermal infrared image are verified.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock burst;coal and gas outburst;image recognition;coal mine accident alarm;thermal infrared image

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    程继杰,刘毅,李小伟. 基于热红外图像的煤矿冲击地压和煤与瓦斯突出感知报警方法[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(5):2236−2248.
  • Citation
    CHENG Jijie,LIU Yi,LI Xiaowei. Coal mine rock burst and coal and gas outburst perception alarm methodbased on thermal infrared image[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(5):2236−2248.
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  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 基于热红外图像的煤矿冲击地压和煤与瓦斯突出感知报警方法

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