Research on the development potential and layout of coal resources in Yellow River Basin
Wei Shenhong;Dou Bin;Bai Xueliang;Liu Lihao;Guo Hongbin
In order to study the coal resources development potential and layout of China Energy Investment Corporation in Yellow River Basin,this paper explains the coal reserves and mining reserves from two aspects: the Yellow River Basin and the China Energy Investment Corporation in the Yellow River Basin,and analyses the layout of coal production capacity and production from the above two aspects,studies the resource endowment potential of China Energy Investment Corporation in Yellow River Basin,predicts the consumption and transportation trends in Yellow River Basin. The results show that the Yellow River Basin is a
Yellow River Basin;coal resources;development;layout;China Energy Investment Corporation
0 引言
1 煤炭资源现状
1.1 流域内各省(区)煤炭资源现状
1.2 流域内国家能源集团煤炭资源现状
2 开发布局现状
2.1 流域内各省(区)煤炭资源开发布局现状
2.2 流域内国家能源集团煤炭资源开发布局现状
3 资源禀赋潜力
3.1 煤炭资源承载力
3.2 流域内国家能源集团涉足主要矿区煤炭资源禀赋分析
3.2.1 神府东胜矿区
3.2.2 新街台格庙矿区
3.2.3 榆神矿区一期
4 煤炭消费需求及调运分析
4.1 晋陕蒙宁区
4.1.1 煤炭消费先增后降
4.1.2 煤炭调出地位持续稳固
4.2 黄河流域整体
5 煤炭产能产量预测
6 结论
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会