Empirical study on influencing factors of intention to use renewable energy——— based on public surveys in Shanxi
Dong Changrong;Wu Yongjie;Zhao Gongmin;Wu Qinglong
Expanding the use of renewable energy is an important initiative to promote the transformation of energy structure and achieve thedual carbon goal. The variables of environmental concerns and policy attitudes are innovatively incorporated into the theoretical researchframework of planned behavior, and the factors influencing the public’ s willingness to use renewable energy and their underlying mechanismsof action are explored using a combination of Shanxi public survey data and structural equation modeling. The empirical study finds that:environmental concerns and policy attitudes have antecedent positive effects on attitudes toward renewable energy use; attitudes towardrenewable energy use have a deeper direct positive effect on their willingness to use compared to subjective norms and perceptual behavioralcontrol; financial capability and the level of renewable energy development both have direct positive effects on willingness to use renewableenergy, but to a relatively lesser extent. Finally, we suggest the countermeasures to enhance public environmental concern, emphasize rolemodel demonstration and value leadership, and introduce renewable energy subsidy policies at the right time.
renewable energy; intention; planned behavior theory; Shanxi public
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会