• 全部
  • Title

    Thoughts and suggestions on the high-quality development of coalbed methane industryin Shanxi Province under the target of “ dual carbon”

  • 作者


  • Author

    Han Yun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institution of Ecological Civilization, Shanxi Provincial Academy of Social Sciences( Development Research Center of Shanxi Provincial Government)
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The development and utilization of coalbed methane is of great significance for realizing the target of “ double carbon” . ShanxiProvince coalbed methane has a high degree of resource richness, high potential for development, good foundation for industrialdevelopment. However, in terms of achieving the goal of increasing reserve and production, there are still problems such as slow exploration anddevelopment progress, low operational efficiency of the midstream pipeline network, insufficient gas reserve capacity and market - orientedutilization, and bottlenecks in technological innovation. In the process of promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutralization, Shanxi provinceshould further improve its industry policy system, accelerate the development of the whole industry chain, strengthen scientific and technologicalbreakthroughs, and strengthen digital management, to promote the industry into a new stage of high-quality development.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    target of “ dual carbon” ; coalbed methane industry; increase reserve and production; high-quality development; Shanxi Province

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