• 全部
  • Title

    Change law study on cut-through fracture seepage properties of slate in corrosion environment

  • 作者


  • Author

    JIANG Zong-bin1 ,JIANG An-nan1 ,LI Hong2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Highway and Bridge Institute of Dalian Maritime University,Dalian  116026,China;2. Center of Rock Instability and Seismicity Research,Dalian Universi-ty of Technology,Dalian  116026,China
  • 摘要
    针对板岩裂隙渗流特性受水化学腐蚀影响规律尚不明确的现状,以大连地区的板岩为研究对象,开展了板岩贯通裂隙受水化学溶液(NaCl,HCl,NaOH)腐蚀的渗透特性试验研究。首先通过对浸泡贯通裂隙试件的SEM扫描和浸泡溶液PH值对比,分析了水-岩作用对裂隙板岩微细观结构的影响机制。其次通过不同溶液、不同浸泡时间裂隙试件的渗透性试验,宏观上获得了腐蚀环境下裂隙板岩的渗透性变化规律。再次基于一系列化学反应方程式,将上述宏细观结果进行对比分析,认为裂隙板岩渗透性受水化学腐蚀影响明显,HCl,Na Cl溶液对结构面具有溶蚀作用,增大了其均值隙宽;而NaOH溶液与板岩矿物成分反应生成的稳定沉淀物质,附着、堵塞于裂隙间,使得均值隙宽减小。最后,基于试验数据建立不同溶液板岩渗透系数与浸泡时间的非线性关系,并引入裂隙渗流计算理论公式,采用FLAC3D的fish语言编写板岩裂隙化学-渗流-应力耦合计算程序,计算与试验结果具有较好的一致性。
  • Abstract
    As the law of slate fissure seepage characteristics affected by chemical corrosion is unclear,a seepage char- acteristic experiment of slate cut-through fracture in hydrochemical solutions ( NaCl, HCl, NaOH) environment in Dalian area was conducted in this study. By comparing the SEM scanning and solution’s pH,the microscopic structure mechanism of fissured slate influenced by water-rock interaction was first analyzed,and the changing law of permeabil- ity coefficient under different steeping times was obtained macroscopically. And then,the test results were contrastively analyzed based on a series of chemical reaction equations. Test results show that:hydrochemical corrosion has a signifi- cant effect on the permeability of fissured slate. HCl and NaCl solutions play an important role in corroding structural plane,and have the average gap width increased;however,the stable precipitation materials resulted from NaOH solu- tion-slate reaction and adhered between slates gaps have the average gap width decreased. With establishing the non- linear relationship of permeability coefficient under different solutions and steeping time,and introducing the relevant theoretical formulas to compile the seepage-chemical-stress coupled calculation program of FLAC3D fish language,the experiment was numerically simulated. There is a good agreement between the calculation result and the experiment re- sult.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    corrosion environment;cut-through fracture;slate;seepage experiment;FLAC3D

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Jiang Zongbin,Jiang Annan,Li Hong. Change law study on cut-through fracture seepage properties of slate in corrosion environment[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(8):1954-1962.
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