Research progress of nanoparticle flotation collector
SUN Yujin;DONG Xianshu;JIANG Ning;FAN Yuping;MA Xiaomin;XIONG Peng;LIU Jingwen
Traditional oil-based collectors have poor performance in recovering difficult -to-float coal slurry such as fine coal, low rank coal, and oxidized coal. The development of new and efficient flotation reagents and processes is currently a challenging task. Nano⁃technology, as a cutting-edge technology, has shown broad application prospects in the field of mineral processing and has received exten⁃sive attention and exploration. The progress of research on the use of nanoparticles as mineral flotation collectors is discussed. It highlightsthe design, synthesis, and application status of novel hydrophobic nanoparticles in flotation. These include anionic and cationic polystyrenenanoparticles, as well as functionalized nanoparticles with better selective adsorption effects. These nanoparticles exhibit excellent flotationperformance and can effectively recover difficult-to-float coal and fine mineral resources. In addition, the microscopic interaction mecha⁃nism of nanoparticle-mineral interfaces is discussed. The size and surface properties of nanoparticles play an important role in their inter⁃action with minerals. Anionic and cationic polystyrene nanoparticles are hydrophobic and can interact with hydrophobic minerals in coalslurry, enhancing their flotation performance. On the other hand, functionalized nanoparticles can achieve better selective adsorptioneffects on specific minerals through surface modification. Understanding these micro-interaction mechanisms helps optimize the design andsynthesis of nanoparticles and improve their application effectiveness in mineral flotation. Finally, some suggestions were proposed for theresearch direction of novel nanoparticle collectors. The rapid development of nanotechnology will drive continuous progress and change inthe field of mineral flotation, bringing new vitality and opportunities to the mining industry. nanotechnology will play a more important rolein mineral flotation.
0 引言
1 纳米粒子捕收剂的研究现状
1.1 聚苯乙烯纳米粒子
1.2 功能化聚苯乙烯纳米粒子
1.3 聚苯乙烯纳米粒子的吸附机理研究
2 结语
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会