Detection of non-gray flame temperature and emissivity based on particle swarm optimizatio
In order to detect the temperature and emissivity of non-gray flame simply andaccurately, a multi-wavelength temperature measurement method based on particle swarm opti-mization algorithem is proposed. Firstly, the spectral radiation intensity of the ethylene laminar diffusion flame at different wavelengths and different positions was obtained by using a spectrom-eter. Subsequently, based on the spectral radiation intensity, the temperature and emissivity at different positions of the ethylene flame were calculated using the proposed method, and the re-sults were compared with the temperature measurements obtained using thermocouple and colori-metric method, which verified the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed method. The detection method was further applied to the furnace flame of the waste incinerator, and the spectrometer and multispectral camera were used in collaboration. The emissivity function was calculated for the spectrometer data using the proposed multi-wavelength method to correct the emissivity ratio of the corresponding band of the multispectral camera. And then the emissivity ratio and the monochromatic radiation intensity of the furnace flame obtained from the multispectral camera were used for the colorimetric calculations, resulting in corrected distributions of temperature and emissivity of the furnace flame. The temperature difference before and after correction reaches 150 K. The average level of furnace flame absorption coefficient and soot volume fraction along the line of sight were further estimated, reflecting the variability of combustion conditions in dif-ferent areas of the incinerator furnace and the inhomogeneity of spatial distribution of radiation media.
non-gray flame, non-uniform flame, multi-wavelength temperature measure-ment, flame temperature field, flame emissivity
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会