Analysis of thermal and chemical effects of soot formation in NH3/C2H4 co-flow diffusion flame
ZHANG Feng; LIU Qianqian; SUN Jingyun; CHENG Bin; GU Mingyan; LIN Qifu
In this paper,the co-flow diffusion flame of ammonia,ethylene and argon was investigated. The extinction light method, rapid insertion temperature measurement method combined with CHEMKIN simulation were used to study the volume fraction of soot distribu-tion, centerline temperature distribution, and the influence of ammonia thermal and chemical effects on soot formation in the ethylene flame blended with different volume fractions of ammo-nia (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%). The experimental results show that the maximum volume frac-tion of soot decreases, the maximum flame temperature increases and the soot formation area moves towards the flame centerline and downstream of the flame as the NH3 mixing ratio increa-ses. The NH3-C2H4-PAH mechanism and hydrogen abstraction acetylene addition (HACA) soot growth mechanism were used in the CHEMKIN simulations, and the thermal and chemical effects of NH3 on soot formation were obtained by introducing the fictitious ammonia (FNH3). The simulation results show that the maximum volume fraction of soot decreases with the in-crease of ammonia ratio. The inhibition of soot formation by the thermal effect of NH3 varies al-most linearly from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% NH3 blending. The chemical effect can significantly in-hibit soot formation when the ammonia blending ratio is less than 10%, and the inhibition of soot formation by the chemical effect of ammonia gradually decreases when the ammonia blending ratio continues to increase. The mixing of NH3 results in the reduction of the concentration of polycy-clic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), H, C2H2, and C3H3, and the increase of the concentration of CN, which inhibits the formation of soot precursors. The simulation results also indicate that the chemical effect of NH3 plays a more important role in raising the flame temperature and re-ducing the mole fraction of PAHs and the volume fraction of soot, while the thermal effect plays a more obvious role in inhibiting the formation of C2H2 and C3H3.
ammonia, C2H4, soot, thermal effect, chemical effect
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会