Combustion characteristics and NO emission characteristics of mixed combustion of petroleum coke and coal
ZHU Ruixin LUO Zhongyang YAN Bichen YANG Xudong GUAN Wenjie
Co-combustion of petroleum coke and coal is an effective way to utilize petrole-um coke efficiently and cleanly. The combination of thermogravimetric analysis and tubular fur-nace combustion experiments were applied to investigate the combustion characteristics and NO emission characteristics of petroleum coke mixed with different mass ratios of bituminous coal, lignite and coal gangue (petroleum coke mass fraction: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). The results show that compared with lignite and coal gangue, the combustion characteristics of petro-leum coke are more similar to bituminous coal. The ignition temperature of both fuels is about 450 ℃-500 ℃, and the peak of heat release rate in the DTG curve occurred at around 550 ℃; When petroleum coke is co-combusted with bituminous coal, the combustion characteristics are better than when co-combusted with lignite or coal gangue. Specifically, at a certain mass ratio, the ignition temperature of co-combustion of petroleum coke and bituminous coal is lower than when co-combusted with coal gangue, and the ignition speed of co-combustion of petroleum coke and bituminous coal is higher than when petroleum coke is co-combusted with the other two fu-els; The ignition characteristics, burnout characteristics, and comprehensive combustion charac-teristics of the petroleum coke and bituminous coal co-combustion gradually improve with the in-crease of bituminous coal mass fraction, and are superior to the combustion of petroleum coke a-lone. Due to the improvement in comprehensive combustion characteristics, co-combustion of pe-troleum coke and bituminous coal always increases the peak volume fraction and emissions of NO during the combustion process compared with single combustion. When the mass ratio of petrole-um coke to bituminous coal is 3∶1, the peak value of NO emission volume fraction increases by approximately 75% compared to single combustion of petroleum coke, and this increase mainly occurs in the coke combustion stage, which is closely related to the combustion state of the mixed fuel and the form of nitrogen present.
petroleum coke, bitumite, mixed combustion, combustion characteristics, NO
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会