Numerical simulation of NOx reduction process of internal flue gas recirculation
CHENG Jiaying;ZONG Chao;BAO Jinrong;ZHU Tong;JI Chenzhen
Nitrogen oxides (NOx ) is a harmful pollutant produced during combustion. Flue gas recirculation (FGR) is an effective technical measure to reduce NOx generation. Al-though internal flue gas recirculation (IFGR) is preferred for less heat loss and better denitrifica-tion performance, there is currently less research on it because it needs to be optimized in the pre-design process. Few studies have been conducted on IFGR and there is limited systematic analysis of the actual combustion and denitrification process. In this paper, a 5 kW methane non-premixed combustor using IFGR was designed to discover the effects of the flue gas recirculation rate on the NOx generation process by using three-dimensional numerical simulation method. Based on conventional theoretical models such as zero-dimensional or one-dimensional computation, the combustion rate was set as the representative of combustion intensity for higher accuracy. The results show that changing the outlet diameter of the air contraction section can effectively manip-ulate the flue gas recirculation behaviors. The IFGR rate can peak at 50%, leading to a removal of 94% NOx generation. IFGR has a certain inhibitory effect on each NOx generation pathway, especially thermal NOx. When increasing the recirculation rate, prompt NOx replaces thermal NOx as the dominant pathway, and the proportion of thermal NOx to the total NOx generation decreases from 52% to 16%. Since prompt NOx contributes much in the non-premixed combus-tion, these pathways should be considered comprehensively when designing de-NOx techniques in practice.
internal flue gas recirculation (IFGR), IFGR rates, methane non-premixed combustion, NOx emissions, NOx formation pathways
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会