Uniaxial compression test research on rock creep disturbance characteristics based on CT scanning
WANG Bo;LU Changliang;CUI Feng;ZHANG Zhen
During engineering deep mining activities,the stress environment surrounding the rocks is highly complicated and particularly susceptible to the impacts of disruption. The concept of "creep perturbation effect" and "strength limit neighborhood" of rocks is used to investigate the damage process inside and outside the "strength limit neighborhood" of rocks using CT technology for the first time. This investigation is based on the concept of "creep perturbation effect". Using the microscopic sweeping probe,one can witness the process of the rock being damaged from the inside. At the same time,the distance between pores is calculated by making use of the coordinates of unit pixels,and the subsequent conclusions are arrived at by integrating this information with engineering examples. ① Analysis of stress-strain curves reveals that the rock exhibits long-term strength in both the longitudinal and transverse directions,with the longitudinal direction demonstrating a higher preference for entering the transverse long-term strength. The study of pore structure changes through CT scans suggests that the longitudinal long-term strength threshold of the rock is more accurate than the transverse threshold. ② Under an axial pressure of 45 MPa,the rock's CT scan reveals a new pore structure with fewer pores inside the rock,which appears unconnected or punctured. Even under an axial pressure of 50 MPa,the penetration of new pore structures into the rock remains unaffected. Distinct fracture tracks are visible,indicating the presence of a "strength limit neighborhood" between 45 MPa and 50 MPa. The rock exhibits considerable strength,particularly when the "strength limit neighborhood" is defined longitudinally. ③ Pseudocoloration techniques were used to calculate the distance between pores based on the pixel separation. A comparison and analysis of axial pressures at 40 MPa and 45 MPa showed a reduction in pixel distance,while at 50 MPa,there was a sudden increase of 214.27 pixels before and after disturbance. This indicates the existence of a "strength limit neighborhood" between 45 MPa and 50 MPa,where the rock is highly sensitive to disturbance. ④ By combining analysis with actual engineering examples,the determination of the rock's "strength limit neighborhood" allows for effective early warning based on changes in strain curves. This approach provides a theoretical foundation for underground engineering.
CT scan;long term strength;strength limit neighborhood;pixel distance;distance between pores;lateral deformation;longitudinal deformation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会