• 全部
  • Title

    Strength model and its application of downward drift fillingroof based on thick plate theory

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Jun;QIAO Dengpan;LI Guangtao;LIU Yanhui;ZHANG Xi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Faculty of Land Resources Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology
    Yunnan Tin Industry DatunTin Mine
    Yuxi Mining Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    As the direct roof of the stope using the downward drift cut and fill mining method,the stability of the artifi⁃cial roof formed by backfill is the key to the successful application of the method. The strength required for filled artifi⁃cial roof is taken as the research object,and the typical technological characteristics of the downward approach min⁃ing method are analyzed. Meanwhile,the dangerous mechanical state of artificial roof is determined and simplified toa thick plate model with four sides simply supported. Based on the Vlasov’ s basic solution to the thick platetheory,the tensile stress distribution of filled artificial roof is analyzed,and the strength model of filled artificial roofin downward drift is established. According to the measured value of overburden pressure of backfill body in the down⁃ward approach stope of the Datun tin mine,the ultimate tensile stress at the bottom of artificial roof is determined to be0.23 MPa based on the maximum monitoring result of 0.35 MPa as the basic calculation parameter. In order to en⁃sure the stability of the artificial roof,the tensile strength of the artificial roof is designed as 0.345 MPa,consider⁃ing the safety factor of 1.5. The stope physical model of 3-1 ore body is constructed with FLAC3D,and the stress dis⁃tribution and stability state of filled artificial roof in the process ofore body mining are simulated and analyzedunder the condition of designed strength parameters. When the ore body is recovered to the last layer,the tensile stressof artificial roof is distributed between 0.10 MPa and 0.23 MPa,and the maximum value is 0.23 MPa,which is consist⁃ent with the theoretical analysis results that no plastic damage is found until the end of delamination stoping. With theresults of model calculation and numerical simulation analysis,the optimal ratio satisfying the strength index is recom⁃mended as waste rock: tailings = 8 ∶ 2, cement content 210 kg / m3, mass concentration 85%, whch guides thecompletion of 110 000 m3 filling practice in the downward approach stope of 3-1 ore body in the Datun Tin Mine.There is no safety accident caused by instability in this process,which provides strength guarantee for the safe miningof ore body. Compared with the original mine design,the strength of the model design is more reasonable and economi⁃cal. The recommended ratio of waste rock and copper slag tailings paste save 32.30 yuan / m3 compared with the origi⁃nal one,and the cumulative saving of filling cost is 3 553 000 yuan.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    artificial roof;stability;thick plate theory;tensile stress;tensile strength

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王俊,乔登攀,李广涛,等. 基于厚板理论下向进路充填假顶强度模型及应用 [ J].煤炭学报,2023,48(S1):28-36.
  • Citation
    WANG Jun,QIAO Dengpan,LI Guangtao,et al.Strength model and its application of downward drift filling roofbased on thick plate theory [J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(S1):28-36
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