• 全部
  • Title

    Propagation characteristics of high⁃frequency guided waves inbolt anchorage structures

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Yue;ZHANG Changsuo;NIU Panyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mining Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The low⁃attenuation characteristics of high⁃frequency guided waves(greater than 1 MHz) in bolt⁃anchoredstructures have a great application value in the on⁃site non⁃destructive testing of bolts. Through the analysis of the dis⁃persion characteristics of the finite anchoring structure model in laboratory,the optimal excitation wave with the leastattenuation in the anchoring structure is obtained,and verified by numerical simulation and laboratory experiments.The research results of three methods can confirm each other, and they all prove that the high⁃frequency guidedwaves can perform a non⁃destructive testing of finite anchorage structures,and also verify the correctness of the estab⁃lished anchorage structure dispersion characteristics analysis model. Then,the difference and similarity of the guidedwave propagation characteristics between the low⁃frequency guided wave and the high⁃frequency guided wave in the fi⁃nite and infinite anchored structures are determined by analyzing the dispersion characteristics of anchored structureswith different sizes and the corresponding wave structures. The difference is that when the excitation wave is a low⁃fre⁃quency guided wave,there are modes with less attenuation in the finite anchor structure,but there is no similar modein the infinite anchor structure,which shows that the propagation law of low⁃frequency guided waves in the finite an⁃chored structures cannot be applied to the non⁃destructive testing of infinite anchored structures on site. And the simi⁃larity is that when the excitation wave is a high⁃frequency guided wave,there are modes in the anchor structure thatare not affected by the boundary conditions, which means that the mode state can be directly applied to thenon⁃destructive testing of on⁃site bolts. The different behaviors of low⁃frequency guided waves and high⁃frequen⁃cy guided waves propagating in the finite bolt structures and the infinite bolt structures can be intuitively explainedby the wave structure:in the schematic diagram of the displacement wave structure,the modal energy of the small rela⁃tive displacement in the rod is more concentrated,the attenuation is smaller,and the propagation distance is longer.Otherwise,it is not suitable for the non⁃destructive testing.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    numerical simulation; finite anchoring structure; infinite anchoring structure; high⁃frequency guidedwaves;boundary conditions;propagation velocity

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张玥,张昌锁,牛潘宇. 锚杆锚固结构中高频导波传播特性[J].煤炭学报,2023,48(S1):61-70.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Yue,ZHANG Changsuo,NIU Panyu. Propagation characteristics of high⁃frequency guided waves in boltanchorage structures[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(S1):61-70

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