Present situation and prospect of coal mine safety monitoring based on fiberbragg grating and distributed optical fiber sensing technology
HOU Gongyu;HU Zhiyu;LI Zixiang;ZHAO Qingru;FENG Dongxing;CHENG Cheng;ZHOU Hang
School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
School of Civil Engineeringand Architecture,Anhui University of Science and Technology
At present, domestic coal mines generally adopt the mining status of high intensity ( large miningheight). With the rapid development of intelligent coal mining, higher requirements are put forward for coal mine safe⁃ty monitoring. The existing coal mine roadway is generally thousands of meters long, and the working face area canreach several square kilometers. It is difficult to obtain such a large area of monitoring information accurately and inreal time by manual means or using traditional point state sensors. Because the optical fiber material has the advanta⁃ges of easy processing, high wear resistance, strong corrosion resistance, good insulation and strong resistanceto groundwater and electromagnetic interference, with the development of modern optical basic theory and optical fi⁃ber communication, the manufacturing cost of various optical devices is also decreasing. It is an inevitable resultof the development of optical fiber monitoring technology in the field of monitoring. The main component of optical fi⁃ber is silica, which is an intrinsically safe sensor, especially suitable for monitoring in high⁃risk environments suchas coal mines. This paper systematically summarizes the basic principles, advantages, disadvantages and applica⁃ble conditions of various optical fiber sensing technologies, and focuses on the application status of optical fiber gratingand distributed optical fiber sensing technology in coal mine safety monitoring, such as coal mine shaft wall deforma⁃tion, goaf stratum subsidence deformation, mining overburden deformation, roadway safety and stability, coalmine gas monitoring and early warning, etc, The application prospect of distributed optical fiber monitoring technologyis prospected. Through the analysis of the existing literature, the following conclusions are obtained: Optical fibersensing technology can meet the basic requirements of coal mine safety monitoring under different conditions and canbe used in various harsh environments. Compared with existing conventional testing methods and technologies suchas traditional manual monitoring and point⁃state sensor, optical fiber monitoring technology has high sensitivity,large monitoring range, and can carry out continuous and large⁃scale distributed monitoring in time and space.It has great advantages in coal mine safety monitoring and has a good application prospect.
optical fiber sensing;brillouin optical time domain reflection;deformation monitoring;temperature monito⁃ring;safety monitoring
侯公羽,胡志宇,李子祥,等. 分布式光纤及光纤光栅传感技术在煤矿安全监测中的应用现状及展望[J].煤炭学报,2023,48(S1):96-110.
HOU Gongyu, HU Zhiyu, LI Zixiang,et al. Present situation and prospect of coal mine safety monitoring basedon fiber bragg grating and distributed optical fiber sensing technology[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(S1):96-110