• 全部
  • Title

    Influence of coal secondary oxidation on the concentration field of composite goaf

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Yong;WANG Shugang;HU Peiyu;LIANG Yuntao;ZHANG Depeng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Technology & Engineering Group
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety Technology
    Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering,Dalian University of Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The secondary oxidation of oxidized residual coal in composite goaf is one of the important causes ofcoal mine fire in recent years. A quantitative analysis of the impact of secondary oxidation on the spontaneous combus⁃tion in the composite goaf from the perspective of gas concentration field is of great significance to the safe productionof coal mine. It is conducive to putting forward the fire prevention scheme when the condition of re⁃mining is consid⁃ered. In this study,the SIIN26-9 working face of the Liujia coal mine in Inner Mongolia Pingzhuang Energy Co.,Ltd.was taken as the engineering background. The constant temperature difference guidance method was employed to meas⁃ure the macroscopic spontaneous combustion characteristics of original and oxidized residual coal that were both col⁃lected from the Liujia coal mine. The experimental results showed that the secondary oxidation process of the collectedresidual coal was more active. Under the conditions of the same temperature and oxygen concentration,the rate of oxy⁃gen consumption and CO generation was higher for oxidized residual coal. According to the measured macroscopicspontaneous combustion characteristics,a method to determine the coal⁃oxygen reaction source term was developedwhich considered various kinds of residual coals in the goaf. Subsequently,a numerical model to predict the spontane⁃ous combustion in goaf under dynamic advance condition was established. The developed model was validated by com⁃paring the numerical results and field measurements. The numerical results showed that the secondary oxidation had asignificant effect on increasing the rates of oxygen consumption and CO generation. In comparison with the goaf with asingle coal seam,the oxidizing zone of the composite goaf with secondary oxidation process moved toward to the work⁃ing face at a distance of about 27 m,and the maximum CO concentration increased 30%. The secondary oxidation ofresidual coal is a potential threat of coalmine fire that cannot be ignored.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    secondary oxidation;spontaneous combustion;numerical simulation;oxidation rate

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孙勇,王树刚,胡沛裕,等. 遗煤二次氧化对复合采空区气体浓度场影响[ J].煤炭学报,2023,48( S1):139-148.
  • Citation
    SUN Yong,WANG Shugang,HU Peiyu,et al. Influence of coal secondary oxidation onthe concentration fieldof composite goaf[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(S1):139-148
  • 相关文章

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