Diagnosis of health state and prediction of residual life of gasifier refractory bricks
ZHANG Jinchun;XU Feiyu;HOU Jinxiu
Research Center for Energy Economy,Henan Polytechnic University
School of Business Administration,Henan Polytechnic Uni⁃versity
School of Safety Science and Technology,Henan Polytechnic University
State Key Laboratory Cul⁃tivation Base for Gas Geology and Gas Control,Henan Polytechnic University
As a vital part of a gasifier,the residual thickness and residual life of refractory bricks determine the per⁃formance and operational safety of the gasifier. Therefore,it is necessary to formulate a reasonable maintenance planfor the refractory bricks. Condition⁃based Maintenance (CBM) can reduce maintenance risks and costs,and ensure thereliability of the gasifier. For this purpose,the focus was on the accurate diagnosis of health state and the accurate pre⁃diction of the residual life of refractory bricks in this study. A health state diagnosis model and a residual life predic⁃tion model for gasifier refractory bricks were constructed,and a related study was conducted on the refractory brickslining the combustion chamber of a company’s gasifier under actual working conditions. The research process is as fol⁃lows: ①TheinitialparametersofthemodelweredeterminedbytheK⁃meansalgorithm.Themodelcorresponding to the each state of the refractory bricks was trained by the improved Baum⁃Welch algorithm. The log⁃likelihood probabilities of the test sequence and each state model were calculated and compared in size by the im⁃proved Viterbi algorithm,where the state corresponding to the state model that got the largest log⁃likelihood probabilitywas the state of the test sequence. ② The whole life cycle model was trained with the refractory brick whole life dataand the residual life of each state was predicted based on the revalued model parameters. ③ The current residual lifeof the refractory brick was predicted based on the health state diagnosis results. The results obtained based onthe HSMM were also compared and analyzed with those obtained based on the HMM as well as the actual values. Theresults show that the HSMM⁃based health state diagnosis of refractory bricks achieves a correct rate of 95%,whichis greater than the HMM⁃based rate of 92.5%. The residual life prediction for each state of refractory bricks obtainedfrom the HSMM all fall within the actual residual life interval,with an average correct rate of 81. 36%,which ishigher than the HMM⁃based average correct rate of 71.22%. It indicates that the constructed refractory brick healthstate diagnosis and residual life prediction models are in line with the actual degradation pattern of gasifier refractorybricks and have achieved good results.
refractory bricks;diagnosis of health state;residual life prediction;HSMM
张进春,徐飞宇,侯锦秀. 气化炉耐火砖健康状态诊断和剩余寿命预测[ J].煤炭学报,2023,48( S1):275-287.
ZHANG Jinchun,XU Feiyu,HOU Jinxiu. Diagnosis of health state and prediction of residual life of gasifier re⁃fractory bricks[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(S1):275-287